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这只青蛇继续鬼鬼祟祟的打猎。The snake continues its stealthy hunt.

一条大青蛇缠绕在他脖子上。A large green snake twisted itself around his neck.

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“我仅是花园里的一条小青蛇”他狡猾地吐着舌信笑着说。"I'm just a little garden snake, " he grinned slyly.

你跑进一条河里,你变成了一条小青蛇。You run into a river, and you become one little cyan snake.

青蛇对许仙说,“我姐姐想知道你想不想娶她。”Blue said, "My mistress wants to know if you would like to marry her."

很久很久以前,有两条蛇精,白蛇和青蛇。Long long ago, there were two snake spirits, White snake and Green snake.

目的对青蛇藤的化学成分进行研究。OBJECTIVE To investigate the chemical constituents of Peiploca calophylla.

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白蛇精与青蛇精化作美女来到人间。White Snake Spirit and Green Snake Spirit changed themselves into two beauties and came to the earth.

兽牙、蝎子、青蛇和复仇的利剑,都是为毁灭恶人。The teeth of beasts, and scorpions, and serpents, and the sword taking vengeance upon the ungodly unto destruction.

很多年轻人缴尽脑汁搜集一些很少见的宠物比如蜥蜴,青蛇,蟒蛇,海龟甚至是毒蜘蛛。Many youngsters rack their brains to collect some rarely seen pets such as lizard green snake python sea turtle or even poisonous spider.

方法收集急诊被竹叶青蛇咬伤的患者55例分析临床特征及救治方法。Methods Collect 55 emergency patients have been bitten by trimeresurus stejnegeri and analysis of with clinical features and treatment methods.

目的观察大剂量糖皮质激素联合抗蛇毒血清在治疗竹叶青蛇伤致DIC中的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of the combined therapy of high dose glucocorticoid associated with antivenomous serum in the treatment of Trimeresurus stejnegeri snakebite induced DIC.