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你是来作陪的吗?Are you here to chaperone?

欢腾要有悲伤作陪!Hrequestiness is together with sorrow!

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有你作陪我很高兴。Our host pleasured us with his company.

你肯定你想营他作陪的终身伴侣吗?Are you sure you want him to your partner?

快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应当就有天晴。Happy to have grief company, rain should be fine.

至于喝酒,我喜爱在别人喝酒时作陪。As for drinking, when others drink I like to help.

却让那些满身劣质香水味的女娃作陪?The ladies smelling of poor perfume are accompanying them.

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快乐总有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。Happiness is accompanied by sorrow, and it turns sunny after rain as well.

愉快要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。Happiness is accompanied by sorrow, or it will alter sunny ago rain as good.

再加上每次就医都有妈妈作陪,因此男子不敢详述性史。Coupled with each doctor has a mother or wrong, men not so detailed sexual history.

生活中常常快乐要有悲伤作陪,风雨过后往往就有晴天。Life often happy to have grief However, Liu Shutian, after the storms have often sunny.

你知道有你作陪,我们真的非常高兴,但我们不想妨碍你的功课。You know how much we really enjoy your company, but we don't want to interfere with your studies.

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快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该是天晴,忘记过去,因为过去的事是不可以改变的。Happiness is companied by sorrow, and it would turn sunny after rain as well. You can't change the past.

活动的主办方来自四川省外贸局的一个单位,他们为我安排行程,并全程作陪。My hosts from a unit under the provincial trade bureau made the arrangements and accompanied me throughout the journey.

其实没有水星作陪你最好不要买任何贵重物品,否则很有可能因为做出错误判断失望不已。Actually you should not buy anything pricey when Mercury is out of phase, for you are likely to be disappointed with your purchase later.

活动的主办方来自四川省外贸局的一个单位,他们为我安排行程,并全程作陪。他们都是好心人,给了我不少帮助。My hosts from a unit under the provincial trade bureau made the arrangements and accompanied me throughout the journey. They were kind and helpful.

我不知道为什么,或许只是我本身对想看望百良这一意愿其实感到怯意的,两回的梦里我都拉了同村的一女伴作陪。I don't know why, maybe I just want to see themselves on hundred good this will actually feel timid, two back to the dreams I have pulled up with a girl by.

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曾在一场表演艺术展上吃天鹅肉的马克.麦高恩,这回在伦敦某电台现场节目中大啖狗肉,前「披头四」主唱约翰.蓝侬的遗孀小野洋子也在旁作陪。Mark McGowan, who once ate a swan as part of a performance art show, tucked into the dog alongside Yoko Ono, the widow of ex-Beatle John Lennon, live on a London radio station.

省科委的人在边上作陪,聊了一些科技发展规划和科技企业的事情。Officials from the provincial science committee accompanied me during the meeting. We chatted about the planning of science and technology development and also science enterprises.

一个人伤心落泪的时候,总有一首悲伤的音乐作陪,只有那时的乐声是发自心底的呼唤,只有那时,才能感受到悲伤音乐的真谛,只有那时体会更深。When a person sad tears, there is always a sad music, only then the music of the ripples is the call of the heart, only then, can feel the true meaning of sad music, only then understand deeper.