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西晋郭璞认为他是一部可信的地理文献。West Jin Dynasty Guo Pu thought it was a credible geographic literature.

西晋太康时期是中国诗歌发展史上进行模拟创作的初创时期。Tai Kang of west Jin dynasty is the early period in Chinese poetry history.

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郭象是西晋玄学的重要代表人物。Guo Xiang is an important representative of Xuanxue in the West Jin Dynasty.

西晋统一南方后,孙吴旧制还有所保留。After Western Jin's south unification, some of the Kingdom Wu's system retained.

鸡首型茶壶与西晋时期的茶壶有极大的不同。Chicken-headed teapots of the time were vastly different from those of Western Jin.

早在西晋时期,中国的“亿万富翁”就开始人前显圣了。As early as West Jin period, the Chinese billionaires began to show off their wealth.

潘岳是西晋文坛上具有代表性的作家。Pan Yue was one of the most important representative writers in the Western Jin Dynasty.

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我们从与陆机交游过程中产生的赠答诗,研究西晋时人是如何认同陆机的?From the Zeng Da poem we can study how people in the Western Jin Dynasty agreed with him?

西晋王朝设宁州,曲靖成为全国19州之一。Western Jin Dynasty established in Nanjing, Qujing becomes one of the country's 19 states.

目前山西晋能许继电气有限公司运行状况良好,与项目初期预测情况基本吻合。Until now the company has been operating well, basically in accordance with the original prediction.

西晋郭璞认为他是一部可信的地理文献。Western Han Dynasty Liu Hsin regarded shanhaiching as a geography book in table on the shanhaiching.

本论文对西晋时期涉及宴集表演活动的歌诗做断代研究。The thesis of the Western Jin period performances involving Feast of Song poetry dating to do research.

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本文对西晋诗人的这种思想心态及其产生的原因进行了详细的论述。This paper presents discussion on the mentality of poets in Xinjin Dynasty and the causes leading to it.

北朝诗中的风意象数量不多,但有着质朴刚健的独特风格,它们与西晋以来绵延不断的悲情风意象一起,代表了此期风意象传统的一面。The number of wind imagery in the North Dynasty's poems was not very much , but had its own naivete style.

山西晋缘电力化学清洗中心有限公司,位于太原市高新技术开发区高新街36号。Shanxi Power Chemical Cleaning Centre Ltd edge, located in Taiyuan High-tech Development Zone, Street No. 36.

西晋时,麴氏随身大族行列,晋末他们在中央政权中起着举足轻重的作用。In the Western Jin dynasty, the Qu became a glorious family, playing a decisive role in the central government.

但是从西晋到南北朝,户分九品之制已经定型化。However from the West Jin to the Southern and Northern dynasties, the nine grades of the families had been fixed.

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如果出场,星期天的比赛将是西晋波汗的第200场英超比赛。Danny Higginbotham will appear in his 200th Premier League game if he features against Manchester United on Sunday.

张华虽以业儒为主,但在玄风大炽的西晋时代,亦不可避免地受到玄学思想的影响。In the atmosphere, Zhang Hua subscribe to Confucianism, but he was inevitably affected by the metaphysical thinking.

该碑可能是西晋时为纪念彭城穆王司马权而修的建筑。The stone monument may be a building built for commemorating Mu king named Sima Quan at Pengcheng in Western-Jin dynasty.