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由于内人喜欢此诗作,所以她请我手书它。My wife likes this poem, so she asked me to write it.

三个手书档案全附呈。Three files containing the calligraphies are attached.

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应一弟子提请,一诗作已手书成。As requested by a disciple one poem is written in calligraphy.

他还提请我手书我的三首诗。He also requested me to write three of my poems in calligraphy.

应一些弟子们的要求,两篇新诗作已手书成。As requested by some disciples two new poems are in calligraphy.

弟子丝绒的请求及我的手书一并附呈。Both disciple Si Rong's request and my calligraphy are attached.

弟子慈渡请我手书他的法名。Disciple Ci Du asked me to write his Dharma name in calligraphy.

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应一弟子的提请我己手书了六篇诗作成翰墨。As requested by a disciple I had written six poems in calligraphy.

应一弟子的提请我已手书附呈的翰墨。As requested by a disciple I had written the attached calligraphy.

六个档案含盖手书及它们的原始档案均附呈。Six files containing the calligraphy and their originals are attached.

F1634现已手书成,我亦将我在梦里所见到的五个字照样写出来。F1634 is now in calligraphy, I also wrote the five words as I saw in the dream.

弟子虹福请我为她的书斋取个名并为之手书翰墨。Disciple Hong Fu asked me to give her study a name and write calligraphy for it.

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请看一幅将我手书如画般地呈现表达的龙游法界。See a picturesque presentation of my calligraphy, Dragon traverses the Dharmadhatu.

应弟子振君之请我已手书陈上师的警策教示。Upon request from disciple Zhen Jun I had written Guru Chen's advice in calligraphy.

由于他请求此心咒,所以我手书之。此档案附呈。He is asking for the heart mantra, so I wrote it in calligraphy. The file is attached.

应马来西亚弟子文英之前的提请,我已于今日手书成。As requested by disciple Boon Eng of Malaysia a while ago, I did the calligraphy today.

应弟子敬行以下之提请,我已手书了陈上师所造的赞毗沙门天王。As requested by disciple Jing Xing below I had written the praise composed by Guru Chen.

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在一份手书答复中,普京称赞那位博主的写作风格并承诺要送…In a handwritten reply , Mr Putin praised writer 's style and promised him a fire alarm.

应弟子海鹦如下的提请,我已手书一法印的名称了。As requested by disciple Hai Ying below I had written the name of the seal in calligraphy.

应弟子海鹦以下的提请,我已将一法句手书成翰墨。As requested by disciple Hai Ying below, I had written a Dharma sentence into calligraphy.