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我会战胜你的恐惧,将你的肉体化成尘烟。I will vanquish your fear, and commute your flesh to dust.

往事如尘烟飞过,我却做了几分相似。Events such as smoke and dust flying, but I made a somewhat similar to.

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这匹怀有身孕的斑马短暂地从尘烟中现了下身,朝我们看了眼。This pregnant zebra came out of the dust for a second to take a look at me.

时光的灰烬,消散了的尘烟往事,散落于红尘,弥漫于心间。Ashes of time, disappear smoke past, scattered in the red dust, diffuse in the heart.

小窗幽深,漫舞着长发,望不穿的尘烟过往,吹冷腮边的泪。The window is deep, with long hair, never see through smoke past, blowing cold cheeks of tears.

爱情也会生病,如果药石无效就会死亡,和人的躯体一样腐朽,最后化为尘烟。Love will also get sick, if too serious is going to die. The same as human's body, decayed then diseapper.

在一望无际的荒原上,万马奔腾,尘烟四起。On the boundless wasteland, thousands of horses are galloping ahead in the dust rising from all directions.

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回到10年前曼哈顿尘烟四起,乌萨马•本•拉丹幸灾乐祸的那天。Go back to the day 10 years ago when the air here in Manhattan was thick with ash and Osama bin Laden was gloating.

下一刻所有的家庭可以看到的是,在尘烟弥漫的公路上,狼安全地逃到黑暗的森林。The next moment all the family could see was a cloud of dust in the road as the wolf fled to safety in the dark forest.

一切恩怨情仇,最终,都幻化为一缕尘烟,在浩淼的天空,弹奏经久的流河。All the pains and sorrows, ultimately, are turned into a wisp of smoke and dust, in the vast sky, playing the long river.

你的财富、名声以及暂时的权势都将化为尘烟。你的所有,以及别人对你的亏欠,不过是些鸿毛。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel 1 to irrelevance 2 . It win not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

北塔坍塌时尘烟以及灰吞没了世贸中心周围的建筑。Dust, smoke and ash engulf buildingsaround the World Trade Center in New York City, after the collapse of bothtowers on September 11, 2001.

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这位31岁的旅行社职员和业已成为前夫的丈夫一起走出朝阳区的办事处,两年的婚姻立刻化作尘烟,从此各奔东西。The 31-year-old travel agent came out of the Chaoyang office with her now former husband, but they went their separate ways immediately after two years of marriage.

携一片落尘,揣一段往事,独对亘古不变的冷月,一种刻骨的柔情萦于脑海中,无声的寂寞在指尖滴落,霓裳轻舞间,尘烟散尽。With a piece of dust fall, with a period of the past, only the eternal night, a deep-seated feelings. In my mind, the silent lonely at the fingertips drops, like dancing, dust smoke cleared.