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耳朵轰隆作响。My ears ring.

折出耳朵。Fold the ears.

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我浑身上下都是耳朵。I am all ears.

捏捏耳朵。Pinch your ears.

没有耳朵,没有鼻子。No ears, no nose.

我的耳朵痛。I have an earache.

哇,好大的耳朵呀!Oh! What big ears!

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糊涂蛋有大大的耳朵。Dopey has big ears.

大宝有大大的耳朵。Dumbo has big ears.

我的耳朵在嗡嗡响。My ears are ringing.

请竖起耳朵好好听哦!So listen carefully.

甜甜有长耳朵。Sweet has long ears.

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耳朵为什么感到胀痛?Why do you ears pop?

猫长着小耳朵。A cat has small ears.

马有两只耳朵。A horse has two ears.

我的耳朵痛得很厉害。I've got bad earache.

我的耳朵都嗡嗡地响了。My years are ringing.

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我揪他的耳朵。I pull him by the ear.

她立刻把它贴在了耳朵上。It flashed to her ear.

你的耳朵真灵。You've got sharp ears.