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她只能用柔软的鹰爪了。She’d have to use very tender talons.

在另一只鹰爪里紧握着箭。The eagle is clasping arrows in its other claw.

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或者她们才是真正的猛禽,用她们有力的鹰爪抓住豪厄尔。They grasped at Howell with their forceful talons.

状师的女婿喜欢鹰爪以及下巴。The lawyer's son-in-law likes hawk's claws and jaws.

通常它只需用鹰爪快速一击就能击毙被追猎的鸟。It usually kills the bird with a single quick blow of its talons.

这种香料味道独特,是用鹰爪作原料制成的。This kind of spice is made of eagle's talon and has a unique flavour.

你知道在这张钱币上秃鹰鹰爪里抓着什么吗?。Do you know what the eagle on the dollar bill is clasping in its claws?

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猎鹰有非常有力的鹰爪,通过将鹰爪刺入猎物体内而防止其逃脱。Falcons have exceptionally strong talons that prevent escape by piercing flesh.

在她的小圣坛上,有一根当她旅行时总是携带着的鹰爪。Upon her alter is an Eagle Claw piece that is often commented upon as she travels.

一只饥饿的老鹰看见她后,便猛飞过去用鹰爪抓住了她。A hungry hawk presently spied her, and darting to the spot seized her in his talons.

鹰爪型牙阜是一种牙冠型态上的变异,它会发生于乳牙以及恒牙齿列。Talon cusp is a relatively infrequent anomaly that occurs in both primary and permanent dentitions.

强健的角鹰——拥有五英寸长的锋利鹰爪——是世界上最大的鸟。The powerful harpy eagle—which has razor-sharp, five-inch talons—is the world’s largest bird of prey.

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鹰翱翔于天际,它们的关键词是“犀利”——犀利的鹰眼,犀利的鹰爪,犀利的智慧。The eagle soars into the sky. The key word for eagles is "sharp"--sharp eyes, sharp talons, sharp wit.

尖锐的鹰爪、坚硬的利喙,它们有日间猎食的猛禽的所有特征,唯一的差别在于眼睛。They have all the features of the diurnal birds of prey, from their sharp talons to their strong beaks.

这一根鹰爪,允许鹰之灵药被传送到所有触碰到她圣坛的人们身上。This piece allows the medicine of Eagle to be administered to all whom come into contact with her alter.

本机采用鹰爪式夹具,全自动推送,稳定性高,并可接生产线及自动焊锡炉。The machine uses claws fixture, automatic push, high stability, and then the production line and automatic soldering furnace.

同样它也是锋利的鹰爪,在鹰爪的下面有一个短而象倒刺一样的脚掌,以确保紧紧地抓住猎物。As well as needle-sharp claws, the undersides of the feet are covered with short, spine-like scales, which ensure a firm grasp.

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冬天,寒冷的北风“呼呼”地向鹰爪树示威,可鹰爪树毫无畏惧,从不向北风低头。Winter, cold northerly wind "whir" demonstrations to Trachypenaeus tree can Trachypenaeus tree without fear, and never bow to the north.

虽然老了螺栓鹰爪链缠裹,但看看人,包括成年人和孩子们都不敢玩鹰。Although old bolt the eagle's claws chains bound up, but look at people, including adults and children all dare not to play with the eagle.

本病例报告是关于一个罕见的双侧乳正中门齿鹰爪型牙阜的案例,将针对其龋齿的治疗加以讨论。This is a rare case of bilateral talon cusps in the maxillary primary incisors. Treatment of the carious bilateral talon cusps was presented.