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我有严重的自卑感!I have serious Self-contempt.

自卑感会有,但仍旧是充满希望。humbler, but still, just about, hopeful.

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你有受自卑感或是优越感的折磨吗?Do you suffer from inferiority or superiority complex?

因此藉着那,我们不应该发展一种自卑感。So with that, we should not develop an inferiority complex.

经过艰苦的训练,使我增强了自信心,消除了自卑感。After tough training, I got rid of my self-abasement and became confident.

目前的悲观情绪可以部分归咎于历史的经济自卑感。The current pessimism is part of a historical economic inferiority complex.

他为弥补自己的自卑感而装出傲慢的样子。He seems arrogant because he overcompensates for his feeling of inferiority.

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生完女儿后我的体重增加,产生了难以置信的自卑感。I had put on weight after having our daughter, so felt incredibly worthless.

复兴俄罗斯的感情混合着一种根深蒂固的自卑感。Russi a's sense of resurgence is mixed with a deeply rooted inferiority complex.

真正有气质的淑女,从不炫耀她所拥有的一切,因她没有自卑感。A lady of grace will never show off what she has, for she is not at all self-abased.

整个童年她活得像个影子,而那时的自卑感也一并带到了她的成年生活中来。Her entire childhood was spent as a shadow, and the shame had taken over her adult life.

他们可以说是朋友,但彼此之间存在着这种由王谨的自卑感造成的奇怪的紧张关系。They’re sort of friends, but there’s this weird tension that’s caused by Jin’s shame in himself.

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和自己的祖国不同,她将自卑感深埋在罗兰加洛斯球场的泥土之中。And unlike her native country, she buried that chip-on-the-shoulder deep in the clay at Roland Garros.

陈坤经常说起他孩子时的自卑感以及他想被同龄人接受的渴望。Chen has often spoken of his inferiority complex as a child and his eagerness to be accepted by his peers.

对民办高职院校感到不满,自我肯定不足,自卑感强。Pairs of Private Vocational Colleges dissatisfied with lack of self-affirmation, strong inferiority complex.

不拿自己的现状与成功人士的成就对比,这能让我们避免自卑感或失败感。By not comparing ourselves to successful people’s results, we can avoid the feelings of inadequacy or failure.

这样的膨胀是一种消除强烈的自卑感和无力感的沾沾自喜的自恋防御心理。Such inflation is a grandiose narcissistic defense against profound feelings of inferiority and powerlessness.

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你能谈谈,像我们这样与比自己小20岁的应聘者竞争的人所遇到的自卑感吗?Can you address this issue of inferiority complex for those of us competing with candidates 20 years our junior?

印度这块土地上的人以自我为中心、拥有优越感和自卑感、嫉妒、自私和贪婪。India is a land where people have big_egoes, superiority_and_inferiority complexes, jealously and selfish_greed.

不特别接近他的父母,他成为了有自卑感的一个性格内向的孩子和少量朋友。Not particularly close to his parents, he became an introverted child with an inferiority complex and few friends.