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每公升在案件公开骨节方法。Per litre in case of open-beck method.

现在这个骨节上我关心的是我的成绩。The things I care about at this point is my grades.

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体节形成生肌节、生骨节和或许是生皮节。The somite forms the myotome, sclerotome and perhaps dermatome.

原位背根神经节只位于每个生骨节的前半个,其数量和排列完全依赖于原位生骨节。So did the dorsal root ganglia in situ as the sclerotome in situ.

而本公司的产品-骨节宝则能延缓老化症状,继而改善生活品质。Jointflex can delay the symptoms of ageing, thus improving the quality of life.

目的探索应用反求与快速原型技术对下颌骨节段缺损进行功能重建的方法。We explored the effect on the hind limb motor as well as sensory function recovery.

开场时的半裸美腿亮相,大有中“指肤软腻,使人骨节欲酥”之感。The opening half-naked legs appear much in the "greasy skin soft, crisp For Beck is" feeling.

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本文就下颌骨节段性缺损分类、功能影响和功能评价方法作一综述。In this paper, the classification, restorative procedure and the functional evaluation of mandibular se.

阿尔奇在床边低低地举着灯照亮,同时用一个骨节肿大的手指放在艾希礼的手腕子上。Archie held the lamp low over the bed to give light and one of his gnarled fingers was on Ashley's wrist.

结论利用钛网加强的方法可以有效修复下颌骨节段性骨缺损。Conclusion By means of titanium reticulum reinforcement, mandibular defect could be successfully restored.

术后随访平均24个月,植骨节段全部融合,融合时间平均为4.2个月。The average follow up was 24 months, solid fusion was obtained and the fusion time was 4.2 months in average.

探讨骨节段转移术治疗下肢长骨创伤感染性骨不连接的临床效果。To prob the clinical curated effect of Segment bone transport for non-union of traumatic infections long bone.

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再利用矩形断裂石香肠对骨节状石香肠应变测量结果进行检验,取得比较一致的结果。This result is relatively consistent to the other method applied in the measurement of the boudins' finite strain.

那个叫蓓基的木偶人儿非常有名,大家一致称赞她的骨节特别的灵活,线一牵就活泼泼的手舞足蹈。The famous little Becky Puppet has been pronounced to be uncommonly flexible in the joints, and lively on the wire.

生骨节的致密区向头端发展,形成软骨盘和纤维环的原基。The compact area of unripe condyle carries development to the head, form cartilage dish with fiber annulus former base.

在胚胎第10周,在生骨节离节间动脉血液供应最远的部分,仍保持未分化状态。In embryo the 10th week, from the artery between the section in unripe condyle blood supplies farthermost part, still maintain did not split up condition.

在研究序列中,有61名发生股骨节或膝盖骨单纯软骨损伤的患者接受自体软骨细胞移植的移接手术。In their series, 61 patients with isolated cartilage defects on the femoral condyle or the patella received autologous chondrocyte transplantation grafts.

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旨在体外复制组织或器官的组织工程学技术为四肢长骨节段性骨缺损的再生与修复治疗提供了新的思路和方法。Tissue engineering that aims to "replicate tissue and organ" provides another innovative choice for repair and regeneration of segmental limb bone defects.

研究者们发现,除了大家已知的禽爪状指骨,这种青蛙指尖的组织上还有一个小骨节。In addition to the talon -shaped finger bones others had seen, the researchers found a small bony nodule nestled in the tissue just beyond the frog's fingertip.

泰斯拉、杰克、贾妮斯和莱亚娜正位于通讯球的附近,突然有东西充斥到空气中——带着响亮的像骨节发出的咔嚓声,并且伴有一股奇特的气味。Tesla, Jack, Janice, and Learna were nearing the communicator sphere when something suddenly charged the air-a resonant, bone-rattling hum that carried a peculiar odor with it.