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但我的船长还在静候着我的沉寂。Yet quietly my captain awaits my silence.

“上帝啊,”他自语,静候“笑声”的出现。“God, ” he said, and waited for the laugh.

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检察官先生,我静候您的处理。I am at your command, Mr. District-Attorney.

我们在静候他们进一步的消息。We are waiting for their closer information.

预备铃响后,坐在位置上作好课前准备,静候老师上课。The preparatory bell for class has already sounded.

一只母狮蜷伏在灌木丛中,静候着她的猎物。A female lion squatted in the shrub, waiting for her games.

三年多来我一直静候时机能写这么个专栏。I have been waiting for more than three years to write this column.

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我们静候着,在银河两畔,等待着那一天的到来。And we wait, on each bank of the Milky Way, for that single day to come.

长时间被迫的静候,使得螳螂出了神,进入到一个非凡的境界。Forced to wait, Mantis entered a trance-like, totally awesome state of mind.

而现在还尚不清楚谁将执掌伊朗大全,奥巴马正在静候时机。Since it is not clear who will end up in charge in Tehran, he is biding his time.

小男孩一边欣赏着这滴露珠,一边把双手摊开,静候在草叶下。The small boy extended his hands under the grass silently as he appreciated the dew.

只有能耐心静候和坚持到底的异常生物,才能安然享用跟随潮涨潮退而送来的食物!Critters that can hold on tight and clam up get meals delivered with the tide twice a day.

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不过,克里奇科将静候时机,等待年轻的阿雷奥拉疲倦并放慢速度。However, Klitschko will bide his time and wait for the younger man to tire out and slow down.

相反,他深感有必要静候泡沫破裂,然后让央行为其擦屁股。Instead, he felt that central banks should wait to mop up the mess once the bubble had burst.

如果这封荒唐的信还激不起反应,我真的要感到不安了。静候回音!If this idiotic letter doesn't prod a response, I'll really get depressed. I'm waiting to hear from you!

这里正是南京路同河南路的交叉点,所谓“抛球场”。东西行的车辆此时正在那里静候指挥交通的红绿灯的命令。Here at the crossing of nanking road and honan road the cars going across were being held up by the traffic lights.

专为卓尔不凡的宾客设计,其优质设施和卓越服务静候您的光临。The hotel is especially designed for uncommon guests. High-quality facilities and excellent service await your visit.

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我认为坐在家中静候好运上门的人,终究也会在等待中终老一生。I think that the people who sit around and wait for their destiny to land in their laps will probably get old waiting.

之后把你得到的收入换成现金,无论数额多小,然后空仓静候这个市场的回暖。And add the proceeds, no matter how small, to the cash you've got on the sidelines waiting for the turn in this market.

政府官员称该法律与欧盟标准一致,并呼吁批评者稍安勿躁,静候新法施行。Officials say the laws are in line with European norms and that critics should wait for their implementation before sniping.