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我们能否截取上面示威牌的画面?Can we get a cross-section of that protest sign above?

其他的指标同样适合截取模式。Other standard metrics also fit the interception pattern.

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看一看我在网上薪截取的图片文件吧。Take a look at this new graphic file l puled from the web.

有人可能会截取图片,并用它来冒充我。Someone could grab that image and use it to pretend to be me.

孙丹勇,25岁,插入图片,截取的工厂闭路电视录像。Sun Danyong, 25, inset, caught on CCTV footage in the factory.

有某些情况下直接支持截取栈概念。In some cases directly support the concept of an interception stack.

插图由插苏珊·叶林,埃琳娜·库兹涅佐娃和罗宾·科特制作的海报上截取。Illustration from a poster by Susanne Yelin, Elena Kuznetsova, and Robin Côté.

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一个采矿公司冀望能在周围的海床上截取珍贵的金属。A mining company hopes to extract precious metals from the surrounding sea-bed.

这个侦察站能截取全世界所有的传真、电子邮件等信息。This station can eavesdrop the whole world -- every fax, every e-mailed letter.

如题所说,这张图片呢,就是在家冰的结婚上截取的。As the title, this picture is queted in course of the Wedding Ceremony of Jiabing!

1878年,埃德沃德•迈布里奇证明了用摄影能截取动画。In 1878, Eadweard Muybridge demonstrated the power of photography to capture motion.

在本例中,我截取了各个方法调用,并遍历了所有的方法参数。In this case, I intercept each method call and go through all the method parameters.

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钻孔截取裂纹局部,肉眼可见裂纹表面呈暗褐色。Part of the crack is cut by drill, the crack surface is dust-colour under naked eyes.

她承认,电影的海报是他们从影片中截取而制作的。She acknowledged that movie's playbill is they intercepts from the movie manufactures.

怎样首次在线截取电报?他们操作着这些方法。How did the first telegraph intercepters get ahold of the lines? they conned their way.

这样,当用户在空单元格中输入值时,就可以截取按键操作。This allows you to intercept the key presses as the user enters values into blank cells.

最近也写了一个数据报截取程序,但有问题,请进。Recently reported the interception of a data write process, but there are problems, Come.

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给矿匀分器和产品截取槽结构简单,控制方便。Its feed distributor and product dischargers are all of simple structure, easy to control.

我不确定他们谈论的是有关什么奖项,所以我从他的资料中截取一些。PS. I'm not sure what award they're talking about, so below is what I cut from his profile.

在新幻灯片上点击鼠标右键,选择“粘贴”,刚才截取的屏幕就会粘贴在新幻灯片上。Right-click on the slide and click Paste to paste the screenshot from the clipboard onto the slide.