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这会儿我们正在吃木薯和玉米粉。We're eating cassava and ugali.

木薯片干燥以后,就会变轻。As the chips dry, they become lighter.

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木薯烤蛋糕,直到颜色变成浅棕色。Broil the Cassava cake until color turns light brown.

机械化木薯削皮及粉碎技术。Mechanized scale root peeling and grating technologies.

一队农夫正在挖木薯块根作物。A group of farmers are digging up the root crop cassava.

他们种植玉米、香蕉、木薯和马铃薯。They planted corn, bananas, cassava, and Irish potatoes.

木薯块根淀粉丰富,被誉为“淀粉之王”。Cassava starch-rich roots, known as the "king of starch."

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而且,木薯褐色条斑病仍在莫桑比克肆虐。And the cassava brown streak problem in Mozambique rages on.

如果他们能吃到正宗的玛格丽特披萨,那他们还会喜欢木薯泥么?If they could get a good pizza margherita, would they prefer it?

木薯还能用于制作面包、薄饼、饮料和甜点。It can also be made into bread, crackers, beverages and puddings.

农场主们种植玉米、水稻、木薯、甘薯、小米和其他的粮食作物。Farmers grow maize, rice, manioc, yams, millet and other food crops.

比如在加纳,人们最喜欢的食物是木薯泥。In Ghana, for instance, the favourite dish is fufu – mashed cassava.

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例如,墨西哥的实验室收藏玉米种,尼日利亚的实验室收藏木薯种。Labs in Mexico banked corn species. Those in Nigeria banked cassava.

长时间的晾晒过程还会引起发霉,从而毁掉木薯。The longer drying period can permit molding and destroy the cassava.

有些人以玉米,木薯,西米,红薯为主食。Some people consum corn, cassava, sago or sweet potato as staple food.

非洲、亚洲和南美洲约有8亿人食用木薯。About 800,000,000 people in Africa, Asia and South America eat cassava.

用木薯茎切段及顶芽作为外植体,诱导木薯愈伤组织的形成。Callus was induced from explants of cassava stem with bud and shootlet.

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淀粉采用非转基因木薯为生产原料。Non-genetically modified cassava is used as raw materials of the starch.

木薯褐条病是木薯花叶病中危害性较大的一种病。Cassava brown streak disease is a more destructive form of cassava mosaic.

筛着干的木薯粉的妇女们为了做几个匡扎不知疲倦的工作着。The women sifting dried cassava work tirelessly just to make a few kwanza.