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汉译英--上星期他作了眼科检查。He had an eye test last week.

怎样做LASIK眼科手术?How is LASIK eye surgery done?

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父亲约耳是位眼科医师。Her father, Joel, is an ophthalmologist.

带孩子去看眼科医生,看是否应该给他配眼镜。Check to make sure he doesn't need glasses.

这也是近年来眼科视光学研究的热点。This is the hot point of the optical study.

眼球破裂属于眼科急症。Globe rupture is an ophthalmologic emergency.

那个周五我和眼科医生有预约。On that Friday I had an eye doctor appointment.

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眼科显微外科手术刀的系列。Micro scalpel for ophthalmic surgery introduced.

紧急行眼科会诊是十分必要的。Urgent ophthalmologic consultation is warranted.

密歇根大学W.K。凯洛格眼科中心。W. K. Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan.

而巴沙尔则去伦敦当了一名眼科医生。Bashar went off to become an eye doctor in London.

眼科大夫从他眼中撤除一个异物。The oculist removed a foreign object from his eye.

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凯茜后来成为一位眼科外科医生。Cathy later went on to become an ophthalmic surgeon.

LASIK眼科手术通常是一天内做完两只眼睛。Often, LASIK is performed on both eyes on the same day.

对有些人来说LASIK眼科手术有特殊的风险。LASIK eye surgery poses particular risks for some people.

治疗需要紧急眼科会诊。Treatment requires immediate ophthalmologic consultation.

结束参观并与奥比斯眼科飞机医院合影留念。Visitors finish the tour and take group photo with the FEH.

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在怀孕的前三个月要去看眼科医生。See your eye doctor within the first trimester of pregnancy.

眼科医生测试证明本配方无泪,并且对眼睛没有刺激。Ophthalmologist-Tested Formula is tear-free and easy on eyes.

准分子激光屈光手术是近几年眼科领域的研究热点。Excimer laser refractive surgery is the focus in recent years.