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你觉得他会戴眼罩吗?Do you think he has an eyepatch?

那匹马不喜欢带眼罩。The horse dislike wearing blinkers.

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必要时要戴上安全眼罩。Wear safety glasses when necessary.

从现在开始你必须戴上这个眼罩。For now you must wear this blindfold.

黄色而透明的眼罩让我的视线一片浑浊。Yellow-paned goggles muddy my vision.

用眼罩,羽毛.......Blindfold your partner. Use a feather.

我们有点带着戴着眼罩在生活,忽略了周围。We kinda go through life with blinders.

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你必须就像戴了眼罩一样对周围的事务视而不见,坚定地去实行你的计划。You need to put blinders on and execute.

将眼罩戴上,美美地睡上一觉。Draw on the eyepatch to have a good sleep.

何不干脆给我们眼罩不就行了吗?。Why not just hand out blindfolds, Captain?

你为什么带着一个海盗的眼罩呀?。Jack, why are you wearing pirate's blinkers?

然后将眼罩戴上,美美地睡上一觉。Then draw on the eyepatch to have a good sleep.

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你可以用不透光的眼罩把眼睛蒙住。You can cover your eyes with an opaque eye mask.

试着让午睡的地方光线暗点或干脆戴个眼罩。Try to darken your nap zone, or wear an eyeshade.

斜视有时候可以通过戴眼罩来纠正。A squint can sometimes be corrected by an eyepatch.

今天,我裸身躺在床上,被蒙上了眼罩。Today, , I was laying in bed naked and blindfolded.

我错过了美丽的山谷,因为我一直对我的眼罩。I missed the beauty of valley because I kept my blinders on.

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并且,你的海盗验光配镜师为海盗们提供眼罩。Plus, your pirate optometrist supplied the men with eye patches.

在眼睛上带上遮光眼罩,在耳中塞入耳塞。Slip an eyeshade over your eyes and stuff earplugs into your ears.

手术后我必须戴一天的眼罩。I had to wear a patch after the initial surgery, for about one day.