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它是在燕山地壳运动时期形成的。It was formed during the Yanshan movement of the earth.

地壳运动将印度推向亚洲,托起喜马拉雅山。Shifts in the Earth's crust pushed India into Asia, heaving up the Himalaya.

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基线长度变化率反映了测站间的地壳运动情况。The changing rates of baselines reflected crustal motion of different sites.

伴随着造山运动的地壳运动出发了一场广泛的火成活动。The earth movements associated with the orogeny triggered an extensive igneous activity.

青藏高原地壳运动模型与构造应力场②。Kinematic models of crustal movement and tectonic stress field in the Tibetan Plateau II.

有一部分地壳运动的原因是由于我们因提升持续升高温度所造成的。The earth movements are in part due to the continued warming of earth due to our ascension.

而珠峰由于地壳运动每年增长4毫米的事实导致任何一方的数据都不会一直正确。It does not help either that due to shifting tectonic plates Everest grows by 4mm every year.

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此外,更有亿万年前地壳运动留下罕见的花岗岩流“万马石”。Besides, there's a rare granite flow- "Wanma Stone", left by crustal movement billions of years ago.

出现了一次大的地壳运动之后,把两个相邻的山脉挤到一起了。This occurred after a major movement in the crust of the earth has squeezed two adjoining mountain ranges together.

动物对地壳运动的嗅觉比人要灵敏得多,在地震来临之前,很多动物都有各试各样的表现。The ability for smell of animal is better than people. Before the earthquake happening, many animal have differ behaving.

同时他对当地靠近核电站的地震断层带是否能够发生像日本的强烈地壳运动表示怀疑。Hellweg also doubts that the local earthquake faults near the nuclear plants can generate the kind of power felt in Japan.

VLBI和GPS是两种完全不同的观测技术,它们测得的地壳运动有可能是完全不同的情况。GPS and VLBI is complete different observed technology, so the crustal motion deduced from them may be absolute unlikeness.

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本文以大量实际资料证明疾疫流行与地壳运动的关系是密切相关的。Based on a lot of data, it is proved that there is close relationship between crust movement and epidemic disease prevalence.

断裂带控制了福建地区新生代地壳变形和现今地壳运动的南北差异。Rupture zone controls the North-South differences of cenozoic diastrophism and present lithosphere movement of Fujian Province.

不过,地震是地壳运动的一部分,这个过程经常会改变地面海拔和相应的地形地貌。Earthquakes, however, are a part of global tectonics, a process that often changes the elevation of the land and its morphology.

大陆板块的地壳运动导致地震是同时被内部与外部能量触发的。The crustal movement of the continental plates causing the earthquakes is being triggered by both inner and outer energy forces.

对天津市正在实施建设的“地壳运动观测网络项目”中的GPS观测基准站的选址建设进行探讨,并提出设计方案。In this paper, we discuss the surveying and designing of the GPS base stations of the Tianjin Crustal Movement Observation Network.

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第三种泰伯利亚的已知形态是其对通过地壳运动而对海洋进行的长达十余年的感染而造成的一种新的水藻般的菌落。The third known form of Tiberium is the scourge of the seas and has been working its way through the crust of our planet for decades.

据传,该温泉最初位于永于乡西南,后因地壳运动而移至今天的位置。Reported that the first hot spring located in rural south-west wing, as a result of crustal movement and later moved to this location.

根据估算,水库中水的重量是地壳运动一年所产生的自然应力的25倍。According to some estimates, the weight of the water in the reservoir was 25 times the natural stress that tectonic movements exert in a year.