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形石斧一边凸起的石制工具。A stone tool with a convex side.

他的前额呈半球形凸起。His forehead domed out in a curve.

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由于地震,地面凸起来了。The ground heaved from the earthquake.

一个搭钮的盘子凸起来构成烛台。A hinged tray folds out to hold a candle.

他说,我们这样就失去了“年轻的皮肤弹性凸起”。We lose, he says, our 'youthful convexities'.

他找到快干颜料去创造凸起的边界。He found a fast-drying paint to create raised borders.

谷歌的无人驾驶汽车偶然发现了路上的一个小凸起。Google's self-driving car hit a small bump in the road.

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杰克跟着奈提莉,沿着一根凸起的树根跑着。Jake follows Neytiri, running along a raised root-trunk.

编织漏接项目上创建一个凸起的表面。Knitting a bobble creates a raised surface on the project.

封头,筒节,锥体及平盖等凸起公差要求。Convex tolerance for head, conical part and plate cover etc.

在同一间屋里,墙上有个凸起的鼓包。In the same room, there was a ­convex protrusion from the wall.

它为什么有个凸起的外壳呢?What causes the conversion and why does it have a convex casing?

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裂缝、凸起、剥落的勾缝和湿斑都意味着存在问题。Cracks, bulges, crumbling pointing and damp patches mean trouble.

地貌就是形成凸起或凹陷地区的地形结构。Lineaments are land structures that form raised or depressed areas.

古老的恒星驻留在位于星系的圆盘中心凸起的部分。Older stars reside in the bulge at the center of the galactic disk.

我所能辨认出来的,只有一条参差不齐的长线条,其中有一些高的凸起。All I could make out was a long, jagged line with some high plateaus.

因为在凸起的肚子上用模板不现实,所以他用手画。Because stencils are impractical on bulgingbellies, he works freehand.

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小的凸起也同样是隐藏在太阳内部的活动迹象。Small bulges are also telltale signs of hidden motions inside the sun.

头骨是半球形的,枕骨凸起十分明显。The skull is well domed , showing a pronounced occipital protuberance.

前院长是国家级有凸起贡献的专家何永康教授。Former dean is national outstanding contributions HeYongKang professor.