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康德和黑格尔发展了唯心主义。Kant and Hegel have developed idealism.

一个唯心主义的游戏,只有你看到的才是存在的。A idealism game, only you see it is it exist.

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以前我从没有欣赏过唯心主义,尽管我仍然接受不了。I never appreciated idealism before. Yet I can't accept it.

哲学唯物主义的对应面即哲学唯心主义。The opposite of philosophical materialism is philosophical idealism.

从唯心主义角度分析癔症病因,为揭示癔症形成提供新的思路。To explore the etiology of hysteria through the aspect of mentalism.

他们只是把自我从唯物主义中剔除出去却从唯心主义上重新依附于它。They simply detach their egos from materialism and re-attach it to spiritualism.

这是一场唯物主义与唯心主义的大论战。This is a heated debate which involves materialist as opposed to idealist views.

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王符道气思想的性质是唯心主义的,是他进行社会批判的哲学依据。The idealistic The thought of "Dao" and "Qi" is his tool to criticize the society.

“有用即真理”是典型的实用主义,是唯心主义的真理观。That"Usefulness Is Truth"is a typical pragmatism and idealistic conception of truth.

但人类真正的瑰宝是“唯心主义”,它能够给所有的问题以价值。But the true treasure of mankind is "mentalism" , which can give value to every issue.

如何科学对待和客观评价唯心主义是哲学史上的一个重要问题。How to estimate rightly Mentalism is an important problem in the history of philosophy.

历史上出现了唯心主义和直观唯物主义两种理解方式。There are two kinds of comprehensions—idealism and contemplative materialism—in the history.

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在他看来这些都是唯心主义的人类中心主义。In his eyes, all of these kinds of new Marxism are a kind of human-centralization as idealism.

后来一个德国哲学家集团推到了这个假设更加极端的唯心主义。A later group of German philosophers pushed this assumption to a more extreme kind of idealism.

这种唯心主义为芒福德提供了一种转向现代社会的机械化提供了条件。This dialectical idealism provides Mumford a means to avert the mechanization of modern society.

芒福德最初是一个唯心主义者,但是他没有完全陷进唯心主义的泥潭。Though Mumford is primarily an idealist but he does not fall into the pitfall of extreme idealism.

历史唯心主义的根源是唯心主义,它的价值观和历史唯物主义的价值观是相对的。The root of historical mentalism is mentalism, whose value is against that of historical materialism.

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他们可以找到一大堆不支持的借口,甚至逃到唯心主义的世界模式去。They will find all kinds of excuses not to support it, and even flee into idealistic models of the world.

在党的教导下,他已经抛弃唯心主义历史观,接受了唯物主义历史观。Under the guidance of the Party he has rejected the idealist view of history in favor of the materialist.

但它毕竟是资产阶级世界观的范畴,具有唯心主义特色,缺乏严格的哲理。But it is of the bourgeoisie, so it has the characteristic of mentalism and lacks philosophical principle.