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让我测一下您的脉搏。Lett me feel your pulse.

脉搏跳得平稳。The pulse throbbed steadily.

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这位病人脉搏很弱。The patient has a weak pulse.

我跑过去检查他的脉搏。I ran over and checked his pulse.

脉搏几乎摸不清。The pulse is almost imperceptible.

也曾为他割破脉搏。Were that he cuts pulse also once.

第六句把握商铺投资脉搏.Grasp the pulse of investment shops.

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当我跑得快的时候,我可以感觉到我的脉搏。I can feel my pulse when I run fast.

分享你雄强的脉搏,自由不羁。And share the impulse of thy strength.

我感觉到了一丝脉搏!这头麋鹿还没有死。I found a pulse! The elk was not dead.

突然,他开始抽筋,脉搏跳得很快。Suddenly, he starts to convulse and his.

你的脉搏令我耳鼓难安。Your pulse lulls the tympans of my ears.

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脉搏加速,呼吸变得微弱。Pulse becomes rapid and breathing shallow.

银瓶水是你跳动的脉搏。Yinping Water is the pulse which you beat.

这部小说把握了我们时代的脉搏。The novel throbs with the pulse of our times.

怀纳的休息脉搏是每分钟跳动63次。Wyner's resting pulse is 63 beats per minute.

他的脉搏衰微,热情安卧无语。When his pulse failing, passion speechless lies.

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我把手指摁在子弹孔上,还有一丝脉搏的迹象。To get a pulse, I put my finger in a bullet hole.

当我看到这个可怕的景象时,我的脉搏跳得更快了。My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight.

脉搏波速度与动脉血压之间具有很大的相关性。PWV highly correlates with the artery blood pressure.