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教师教育是造就人才的“工作母机”。Teacher education will produce a lot of talented people.

机床是装备制造业的“工作母机”。Machine tool is the foundation of equipment manufacturing.

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教师教育是教育事业发展的工作母机。Teacher education is a machine tool that develops educational undertaking.

各国央行都在紧锣密鼓,将金融市场的原始分析材料强塞进它们的工作母机模式中。Central banks are busy bolting crude analyses of financial markets onto their workhorse models.

教师教育作为教育事业的工作母机,其重要作用毋庸置疑。In this sense, the role of teacher education as the matrix of education cannot be overestimated.

激光束作为一种“工作母机”,在切割、钻空和焊接金属方面已发现是非常有用的。As a "machine tool", the laser beam has been found useful in cutting, drilling, and welding metals.

激光束作为一种“工作母机”,在切割、钻孔和焊接金属方面已表明是非常有用的。As a "machine tool", the laser beam has been found useful in cutting , drilling, and wedding metals.

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假如他们不用现代化的机器装备,他们就不会产生最高质量的工作母机。They will not produce machine tools of highest quality unless they are equipped with modern machinery.

设备工业向机械工业提供“工作母机”,是机械工业的基础。Equipment industry to provide mechanical industry "machine tools", is the foundation of industrial machinery.

在我国长期以来教师的培养由师范院校承担,师范院校是我国培养师资的工作母机。The various countries train the way and organization to be the same to the teacher's cultivation in the world.

机床是先进制造技术的载体和装备工业的基本生产手段,是工程机械的工作母机。Machine tool is the carrier of advanced manufacturing technology, the basic tool for equipment manufacturing industry.

教师教育在整个教育体系中处于“工作母机”的地位,其质量的好坏直接影响到师资水平的高低。Teaching education is a "machine tool" at the whole teaching system, the quality of which directly influences the quality of teachers.

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教师教育作为整个教育事业的工作母机,是建设高素质教师队伍的重要保证,是“教育强省”的基石。Teacher education, the "mother machine" of qualified teachers for the entire education, is the cornerstone of a strong education province.

教师教育是我国教育事业的“工作母机”,承担着培养高素质专业化教师的重要任务。Teachers'education is educational foundation in our country, and it undertakes the important task of developing qualified and specialized teachers.

因此,作为为21世纪培养复合型人才和创新人才的工作母机,大学英语教师的教学工作压力急需得到缓解。Therefore, as the machine tool for cultivating the comprehensive and new talents in the 21st century , college English teachers have to be decompressed.

此外,瑞士和德国的贸易范围还包括轴承、柴油机、工作母机、火车头、钟表、无线电设备,甚至武器和军火。In addition, Switzerland and Germany's trade area also includes bearings, diesel engines, machine tools, locomotives , clocks, radios, weapons and even arms.

文章以民族音乐作为“文化”的观念梳理和对高师作为民族音乐教育“工作母机”的现实理论依据的阐述开端,作为调查研究的前期理论基础准备。First, I illustrate the theory in details that"folk music"is the"comb"of"culture"and is the main"work machine"of folk music teaching , and as well as the former theory basic.