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让我们既往不咎。Let's forgive and forget.

我们必须既往不咎。We must let bygones be bygones.

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我们的态度是既往不咎。Our attitude is one of letting bygones be bygones.

上帝若赦免了罪,祂就既往不咎。When God forgives a sin, He never brings it up again.

收你点东西就既往不咎了?Accept you to array thing Be getting noer postmortems?

“你必须既往不咎,”麦克劳克林说。"You have to let bygones be bygones, " says McLaughlin.

既往不咎,说起容易做起难如果宽恕是神的旨意,做到为什么那么困难?If to forgive is divine, how come it's so hard for us to do?

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学会宽恕、既往不咎是基本的原则。It is essential that you learn to forgive and let go of your past.

中国人民的态度是既往不咎。The Chinese people's attitude is one of letting bygones be bygones.

你为何不既往不咎,请他过来喝一杯酒呢?Why don't you let bygones be bygones and ask him round for a drink?

就靠信仰那些“既往不咎”的古老哲学?Rely on the same old needlepoint philosophy of "forgive and forget"?

他成熟老练,对事一笑了之,既往不咎。He is sophisticated enough to laugh things off and let bygones be bygones.

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先前她激怒了他,他说,但他可以既往不咎,从头再来。She had provoked him, he said, but he was willing to forget and start fresh.

没必要心怀怨恨,让我们把它忘掉,既往不咎。There's no point in bearing a grudge. Let us forget about it, no postmortem.

在面对过去的时候能够既往不咎,勇往直前是一个明智的选择。Being able to move forward from the past is a conscious choice that you must make.

12月31日,韩国总统李明博特赦李健熙,对其罪过既往不咎。On December 31st South Korea's president, Lee Myung-bak, pardoned Mr Lee, wiping his record clean.

好莱坞的明星们似乎认为,从某种程度来说,波兰斯基的才能,会让人们对他过去的行为既往不咎。Hollywood stars seem to be arguing, in some ways, that Polanski's talent should allow him some sort of free pass for his past behaviour.

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人们在历经冲突争斗、强权镇压后,常被告之要既往不咎。但自由社会,怎能永远将选择性记忆强加于人。In the aftermath of fighting or repression, people are often told to forget things. But in free societies, selective memory cannot be imposed for ever.

在最为完善的自我修复体系中,既往不咎和逆来顺受的处世态度是最有效的治病良药。In the most refined systems of self-healing, the ability to forgive and the ability to accept certain inevitable events are considered the greatest healers.

目前,正在进行的人民行动党内外既往不咎的选举中,人民党承认它已经停止联络选民,过去常这样做。In the election postmortems currently being conducted within and without the PAP, the party acknowledges that it has ceased to connect with the voters as it once did.