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科研机构必须保持中立。Institutions have to be neutral.

中年教师是体育科研的骨干。Mid-aged teachers are backbones.

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它只是科研的一个模仿版而已。It's only an immitation of research.

那么那些城市的科研表现最好呢?So which cities are the best at science?

可用于科研和教学实验之中。It can be used for experiment and teaching.

获部、省厅级科研成果奖10多项。Won over 10 achievement of provincial level.

我觉得如果你有很好的科研背景,I think if you have good research background,

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杰克醉心于科研。Jack is enamoured with scientific researches.

获省级科研成果奖3项。Won 3 achievement awards of provincial level.

他们的工作中有些是真正的“蓝天研究”,即没有直接实用价值的基础科研。Some of its work is truly "blue-sky" research.

你们每年在科研上花多少钱?How much do you spend on developmen teach year?

创新是科研的生命之水。Creatin is the life water of scientific research.

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这也是在最适合在格陵兰搞科研的季节。This is also the season for science in Greenland.

大学蹬认务是教学和科研。The mission of a university teaching and research.

雅姿科研队如何研制产品配方?How the ARTISTRY scientists formulate the products?

中国藏学研究中心科研办。Scientific Research Office of the China Tibetology.

美国军方科研人员赞助了这项6年的试验。U.S. Army researchers sponsored the six-year trial.

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科研的路多是孤寂的,你同意吗?Do you agree that the path of a scientist is lonely?

此外,这个仪器还能用于深海科研。The device can also be used for deep-ocean research.

因为对于科研的全面综览检验总是艰苦精心工作的结果。A thorough examination of the research is painstaking.