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温迪虽然四十岁了,还能做劈叉。Wendy can still do splits though she is forty.

通常只有训练有素的舞蹈演员才会劈叉。Usually only a trained dancer can do the splits.

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成站立劈叉姿势,向后弯腰,靠向助手。Stand in a split, bend backwards and lean on your assistant.

美国女运动员大劈叉,双腿分开等你插!Picha large U. S. female athletes, such as your legs separated into!

你真的以为你用一个晚上就能学会大劈叉吗?。You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night?

他劈叉坐正在椅子上,身上缠着麻花状的绳索,挡住了一部分纹身的上臂。A braided rope is draped around his torso and partially covers his tattooed arms.

入学后一个月,新同学就必须完成全劈叉动作。Within a month of arriving, new students are expected to be able to do full splits.

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今天舞蹈课上,教练让我来演示一下劈叉。Today, in dance class, the instructor asked me to demonstrate the splits to the group.

这是迄今为止角度最大的“过劈叉”。这时,她后面的腿需要一个特别的错位。This is as far as it's possible to go and requires a partial dislocation of the rear leg.

劈叉一种杂技动作,腿向相反的方向伸开,各自与身体直角。An acrobatic feat in which the legs are stretched out straight in opposite directions at right angles to the trunk.

我知道,很多人想做劈叉或大范围运动,都在寻求提高身体柔韧性的方法。I know many are looking for ways to improve their flexibility and to be able to perform splits or high range moves.

要么是她试图用各种肢体来迷惑僵尸,要么就是她忘了只有正常男人才会被她的大劈叉迷住。Either she's trying to confuse its mind by giving it too many limbs to choose from, or she's forgotten that Milla doing splits only stuns living men.

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她丝毫没有念及母亲和姊姊们,她只觉得这世上紧要的事情皆取决于她的每个劈叉和旋转是否完美无缺。She didn’t think about her mothers or sisters and imagined everything that ever mattered depended on the perfect execution of a single split or pivot.