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丫的这帮豺狼。Christ, the jackals.

他正在把伊拉克丢给豺狼,”他说。He is leaving Iraq to the wolves," he said.

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“伙计,我觉得豺狼在吃那具尸体。”帕尔默嗓子哽住了。"I think it's eating him, man, " Palmer choked.

这是一只生活在美索不达米亚沼泽中的金色豺狼。A golden jackal seen in the Mesopotamian marshes.

豺狼换张皮,本性却难移。江山易改,本性难移。The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition.

他把其中一个豺狼人的护盾绑在自己的前臂上。He strapped one of the Jackal shields to his forearm.

一个不肯和你分享森林的豺狼人叫做什么?What do you call a gnoll that won't share his forest?

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自从2007年底豺狼4驱装甲车便开始在阿富汗服役。The 4x4 Jackal has been in Afghanistan since late 2007.

我们都知道你那个豺狼一样的母亲希望我死掉。We all know that she-wolf of a mother of yours wants me dead.

我就是在你睡熟时替你驱逐豺狼的那头狮子。I was the lion who drove the jackals from you while you slept.

在非洲有这么一句谚语,“即使是豺狼也不应该渴着。”In Africa it is said that “even the jackal deserves to drink”.

他的马比豹更快,比晚上的豺狼更猛。Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk.

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洪水未到先筑堤,豺狼未来先磨刀。The flood did not arrive first embankment, wolf in the future first knife.

他感到命运的爬动,豺狼的包围,兀鹰的翱翔。He felt the creeping of fate, the circling of wolves, the hover of vultures.

豺狼正躲在角落里瑟瑟发抖,守着自己的残食寸步不离。The jackal and wolf are trembling in the corner, protect their food closely.

那些驾驶豺狼装甲车的士兵说这款装甲车在投入使用之后已经拯救了很多人命。Those operating the Jackal say that it has saved lives since being deployed.

许多科学家想知道埃塞俄比亚狼是真正的狼还是一种豺狼。Some scientists question whether the Ethiopian wolf is a true wolf or a jackal.

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乌鸦和豺狼是喜欢集群的,狮子和鹫鹰,是喜欢单独的。Crows go in flocks and wolves in packs, but the lion and the eagle are solitaires.

乌鸦成片飞行,豺狼结伴成群,而狮子和鹫鹰却喜欢独行。Crows go in flocks and wolves in packs, but the lion and the eagle are solitaires.

超过6个士兵在驾驶豺狼装甲车执行巡逻任务的时候被杀。More than half a dozen soldiers have been killed while patrolling in the vehicles.