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数据库技能“比比皆是”。Database skills are a "dime-a-dozen."

世界上令人神往的地方比比皆是。The world is full of fascinating places.

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数量上达数百万之众的少数派比比皆是。A minority of millions is not at all unusual.

在图尔斯和布瓦卢之间皇家酒庄比比皆是。Royal chateaus abound between Tours and Blois.

比比皆是的木镶板很易弯曲变形。The abundant wood paneling is prone to warping.

象这样古怪的陈习在牛津比比皆是。Oxford is full of curious old customs like that.

好人好事,比比皆是。Good people and good deeds can be found everywhere.

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沿街叫卖的小贩发展成小商人的故事比比皆是。Tales of peddlers becoming small merchants are legon.

此类引人入胜的小故事在拉莫先生的书中比比皆是。Mr Ramo's book is full of engaging vignettes like this.

金黄的玉米地长势繁荣,品种丰富的动物比比皆是。Fields of golden corn thrived and a wealth of animals abounded.

商场里妇女摩肩接踵,街上男人比比皆是。The market-place was full of women, the streets packed with men.

这也是一个购物的天堂,商店比比皆是。It is also a shopper's paradise, stores are everywhere in Naperville.

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战术层面的高水平比比皆是。The tactical level of all the sides is top-level discipline everywhere.

但是,许多催人奋进的成功光辉例证比比皆是。But there are many bright and motivating examples of success everywhere.

潍坊人爱吹,半夜啤酒烧烤摊上比比皆是。Weifang love blowing, middle of the night on the beer Shaokao Tan everywhere.

未经证实的信息比比皆是,模糊了真相和谣言的边界。Apocryphal information abounds, blurring the boundary between truth and rumor.

它违背了人类的本性和传统,但是这在中国却比比皆是。It goes against human nature and tradition.But it happens everywhere in China.

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那些没有表现出明显症状的疱疹病毒携带者比比皆是。Sometimes, people do not exhibit symptoms but are herpes carriers all the same.

这种让食品厂商给出允诺最后却不见成效的例子比比皆是。Such examples of ineffectual commitments on the part of the food industry abound.

西方对中国文化的误导、谬传比比皆是。The west can be found everywhere the misleading of Chinese culture, false report.