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垂挂著热病的露珠。With anguish moist and fever dew.

她感染上了严重的热病。She has contracted a severe fever.

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劳拉,你不会因为热病而死的!Nora, you will not die of the fever!

一场热病把他送回了“老家”。A fever brought him to his long home.

忘记这疲劳、热病和焦躁The weariness, the fever, and the fret

热病,那是一个借口,劳拉的脸变得煞白。That was a veiled reference to the fever, and Nora paled.

一次热病,只有几天的时间,就把爱弗哈德爵士送回老家去了。A fever, in a few days, brought Sir Everhard to his long home.

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公元前2700年的中国文献记载用植物对付热病。Chinese texts from 2700BC describe plants to treat its fevers.

在3月中,发生了新的聚集性裂谷热病例。In mid-March, new clusters of Rift Valley Fever cases occurred.

广西省的各个地区在伤寒肠热病的发病率上也各不相同。The incidence of enteric fever varied by region within Guangxi province.

我仍然记得那令我卧床数月的热病。I remembered the nervous fever that had kept me in bed for several months.

为现代治疗风温肺热病疗效较佳的新药。For modern treatment wind warm pneumonia curative effect good new medicine.

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肺炎是目前临床常见和多发病之一,在中医学上属于风温肺热病范筹。Pneumonia is one of the common and multiplex diseases in clinical practice.

这热病可象征人不受约束的脾气,不正常而无节制。This fever may signify a person's unbridled temper, abnormal and intemperate.

一个感染了兔热病的人不能将疾病传播给另一个人。A person infected with tularemia cannot pass the disease on to another person.

CRF病机复杂,少数学者认为存在血热病机。A small number of scholars believe that there is blood heat pathogenesis in CRF.

想想看,他所要做只不过是得场热病,痉挛几次。And to think, all he had to do was have himself a fever and a couple of seizures.

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适宜风热牙痛、口腔红肿热病的风热牙病者食用。Suitable wind hot toothache, oral cavity inflamed fever wind hot odontopathy edible.

对人类具有致病性,引起肠热病、胃肠炎和菌血症。It is pathogenic for humans, causing enteric fevers, gastroenteritis, and bacteremia.

举其验案五则,以说明薛师临床灵活运用和解分消兼融法治疗外感热病、内伤杂病的经验。Here are five examples to show the experience of Professor Xue to treat different diseases.