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你的心必思想那惊吓的事,自问说,记数目的在那里呢。Thine heart shall meditate terror.

犹豫不决时会在心里自问自答。Indecision in heart will ask the answer.

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我立刻扣心自问我能为克里斯做些什么?I immediately thought to myself, what can I do for Chris?

我充满好奇想迈过门去,惊奇自问I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering

他自问出了什么事,为河他会感到如此困扰。He asks himself what it is all for, and why he should bother.

我最近想在百度的知道里进行自问自答。I recently wanted to know where to Baidu question and answer.

我们就要自问,谁才是?Shelly Kagan And we have to ask ourselves,Who's Shelly Kagan?

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你们可以自问,想象中画面的内容是什么?It's one thing to ask yourself, what's the content of the picture?

在船上的时候,哈姆雷特自问他为什么会送往国外。While on board the ship, Hamlet asked hilf why he was sent abroad.

你们可以自问,如果你们创建一座城会从何开始?Ask yourself, ? if you were founding a city, where would you begin?

我每天都门心自问,每天向佛祖学习。I ask themselves every day, the door every day to learn the Buddha.

我经常自问关于以前的钱财和生意,我会怀念什么。I'm often asked what I miss about my old world of lucre and business?

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那我自问自答,百度不也会发现,会删除?I'll answer his own question, Baidu does not will find will be deleted?

于是我们自问,我们何能如此耀眼、称羡、才华、美丽?We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

你应当自问,“我有开除他的正当理由吗?”You should ask yourself, “IfI have to, can I fully justify this dismissal?

他自问是否可以靠无意识的操控来赚钱呢?He wondered whether he might make money by manipulation of the unconscious.

经常性的审视全部的界面,自问“我们的确需要这个嘛?”Regularly review the entire interface, asking “Do we really need this bit”.

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然后自问一下“如果我做这项工作结果会有何不同?”Then ask yourself "how is this job done differently because I am doing it?"

抚心自问,找出所有你觉得她美丽的地方。Look into your heart, and find all that you know that is beautiful about her.

我反复思考那件事,一再自问究竟是怎么回事。I pondered the incident,asking myself again and again how it could have happened.