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弗兰克像个话匣子说个没完。Frank talked away like a chatter box.

他一直在说,的确是个话匣子,话太多了.He talks all the time ,he is a gasbag.

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她一打开话匣子就停不了。She is a chatterbox who never shuts up.

一瓶酒下肚,杰克的话匣子便翻开了。A bottle of wine had loosened Jack's tongue.

宴会上喝几杯酒,会有助于人们打开话匣子。A few drinks will help to break the ice at the party.

从表面上来看,这只是一句枯燥的、用来打开话匣子的寒暄。At face value, it's just a dull, conversational opener.

他受不了话匣子,最多能忍耐五分钟。He couldn’t have lasted five minutes with a chatterbox.

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这时你的朋友打开了话匣子。And then your friend starts to open up just a little bit more.

她遵循阿拉伯的口述传统,也打开话匣子。Following the oral literary tradition of Arab culture, she joined in.

魏公便打开了话匣子,随口讲起自己对风水的研究。Wei Gong opened the chatterbox, casually about their research on Feng shui.

扎奈塔的屁股还没沾上座位,他就打开了话匣子。He began speaking before Zanetta's buttocks had made contact with his chair.

哪怕是关于书本或杂志的微小话题,就可能帮助大家打开话匣子。The mere subject of the book or magazine might help strike up a conversation.

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眼前的这位出租车司机,我刚坐稳,话匣子便打开了。In front of the taxi drivers, I just firmly secured, chatterbox will be opened.

尽管这些玩笑会让人们打开话匣子,但很可能,最后唯有你会给人留下笑柄。Such jokes may get everyone talking, but you may be the only one laughing in the end.

在门口,我碰上了那个见面熟的威勒回来了,他拽着我又打开了话匣子。At the door I met the sociable Wheeler returning, and he buttonholed me and recommenced.

于是,你最不愿意一位话匣子在用永无止境的鸡毛蒜皮的谈话来占去你的时间。So, the last thing you need is the Chatterbox eating up your time with endless chit chat.

它们帮助你聊天时打开话匣子,这是笼络人心的第一步。These topics allow you to open a dialog, which is the first step to building a relationship.

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老李很善谈,在他家烧得热乎乎的炕上,他打开了话匣子。Old Lee is very good talk, his house burned in the warm Kangshang, he opened the Round Table.

一点也不介意。要是你让我打开了话匣子,我能聊个昏天暗地,贝思总是说我从来不知道什么时候停下。Not a bit. I'll talk all day if you'll only set me going. Beth says I never know when to stop.

甚至就连收听“敌台”的“话匣子”也被大多数中国人压在了箱子底儿。Or even listen to "enemy units" and "Round Table" is also most Chinese pressure in the box Dier.