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志愿人员在受训。The volunteers are in training.

黎先生受训于香港葡萄酒学院。Lai is an alumni of Hong Kong Wine Academy.

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福鲁莎是在塔吉克大学受训的。Firuza was trained at the Tadzhik University.

受训者们及时提交了他们的专题论文。The trainees submitted their monographs in time.

要是一个受训者剪我发,可以打折吗?Is there any discounts if it is done by a trainee?

他在发短信,在因为发短信而受训的时候。He was texting while being reprimanded for texting.

以前是否在全球沙宣学院有过受训经验?Any previous training experience with Vidal Sassoon?

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训练员训练受训者如何开火车。The trainer trained the trainees how to drive a train.

明帝在太空总署受训成为太空人。Mindy learned to be an astronaut while working at NASA.

教练员正在教受训者怎样开火车。The trainer is training the trainees how to drive a train.

她本来受训当舞蹈演员,但却转而教音乐了。She was trained as a dancer but diverted to music teaching.

在国外受训的专家变得越来越稀少。Foreign-trained specialists have become increasingly scarce.

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以学生为中心的课堂可以集中受训者的注意力。A student-centered class can absorb the attention of trainees.

那位受训的队员故意用难题把傲慢的教练搞糊涂。The trainee foxed the arrogant instructor with a knotty problem.

协助编写并为受训教师提供几个实地试验模板。Co-authored and field-tested several modules for training teachers.

你要留心领受训诲,侧耳听从知识的言语。Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.

提供僧团与在家居士受训的设施。To provide educational facilities for the Maha Sangha and the laymen.

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世界总会将照样补助受训干部的旅行费用。WHQ will reimburse the travel expense for top-3 in these 2 trainings.

图为该部队联络官在锡兰基地受训时合影。The picture shows the unit's liaison officers being trained in Ceylon.

火车事故很惨,造成两名教练和十名受训队员死亡。The train accident was tragic. Two trainers and ten trainees were dead.