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而我总会颔首聆听。I nod and listen.

人们总会买进卖出,一直如此。People buy and sell.

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不管怎样,你总会长大的。You'll grow up somehow.

运动员总会这样做。Athletes do this all the time.

困境中总会记起上帝。People in trouble remember Allah.

黑暗总会过去,黎明终会到来。Darkness will pass, dawn will come.

事情发生总会有前因。There are always antecedent causes.

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寒冬总会转变为暖春。Winter always thaws into spingtime.

聪明人总会告诉你答案。A wise man will not proselytize you.

那是太年轻,总会有这么一个借口。I was young and I just wanted a job.

一个人总会再次发现他的重荷。One always finds one's burden again.

相信我,你总会想到些什么!Trust me, you’ll think of something!

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愿与不愿,总会实现。Willing and unwilling, will achieve.

寒冬总会转变为暖春。Winter always thaws into springtime.

因为那时总会有事可做。Always have something with you to do.

女孩总会根究你为什么不打电话给她。Girls check you for not calling them.

我们总会表达一点儿小意思。Andwe always have those little hearts.

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永不放弃,难捱的时光总会过去的。Never give up, trying times will pass.

成功的道路上总会有些沟沟坎坎。The path to success has many potholes.

然后他们就总会死心塌地的效忠于他了。Then they will always be loyal to him.