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这,就是你们的命运,塞克的子民啊。This is your destiny, son of Zek.

但上帝对他的子民自有安排,他告诉这些人要并肩绕耶利哥城而行。But God had a plan for his people.

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神的确在改变他的子民。God really does change his people.

刚铎国和洛汗国的子民们,我的兄弟。Sons of Gondon, of Rohan, my brothers!

刚多,罗翰的子民,我的好兄弟们!Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers!

刚铎和洛汗的子民们,我的兄弟们!Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers!

牧人用敬拜的心,服事神国的子民。We all are shepherds to God's people first.

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子民个屁!谁敢反对,杀无赦!OOPS! Kill all people who protest against me!

他将当起我们的的父亲,我们将做他的子民。he will be our father and wewill be his children.

祂要接管我的子民、我的工作、以及我的教导工作。He’ll take my person and my working and my teaching.

这样看来,必另有一安息日的安息,为神的子民存留。There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

我们在拿着手指对着上帝和它的子民们指指点点。We point the finger at the skies and the chosen 'son'.

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以色列的圣者不能不保护拯救祂自己的子民。The Holy One of Israel must defend and deliver His own.

只要神一呼召,神的子民便会披甲上阵。God's people would go to war whenever he called on them.

以色列子民所作的一切工程,全是照上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。The children of Israel offered as the Lord had commanded.

神会引导祂的子民,通过不认识的路径。For God through ways we have not known, Will lead His own.

这个皇帝对他的子民总是十分仁厚。The emperor can always treat his people with great charity.

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上帝告诉以西结,那是他喜悦的子民所居地。God told Ezekiel it was where his people that he loved were at.

曹姓子民在此经营开拓,繁衍生息。People named after Cao led a living and propagated generations.

现在,向子民承诺了救赎的凯尔萨斯王子回来了。Now, promising salvation for his people, Kael'thas has returned.