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课程阅读资料表依授课单元分列如后。A reading list for the class, divided up by lecture.

在2009年度的排名中,这两个城市分列第28和29位。They ranked 28 and 29, respectively, in the 2009 survey.

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道路的两边分列着整齐的白杨树。There are two rows of aspens on either side of the streets.

何贤磊和史蒂夫分列第二和第三名。Sean He and Steve Elmes got second and third place respectively.

俄亥俄州的两座城市,代顿和辛辛那提,分列排行榜第9和第10。Two Ohio cities, Dayton and Cincinnati, made our list at Nos. 9 and 10.

再次,所有这些管制是差分列于该行业的回归。Again, all of these controls are differenced out in the trades regressions.

为了便于引用与参考,我们将本章的九大要点分列编号100至900。Its nine points are numbered 100 through 900 for easy citation and reference.

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最后,以苹果为起点,分列出许多词语而结束。Finally you will end up having a lot of words ranging around your starting-point.

三位一体位于壁画中央,十二门徒和诸圣分列四周。The holy trinity is located in the center and is surrounded by apostles and saints.

相反,要求看,打破了各种学生群体的分列的测试结果。Instead, ask to see the desegregated test results that break out various student populations.

海螺集团有限责任公司和奇瑞汽车有限公司分列第150位和234位。Conch's group's limited company and Cherry car Co. , Ltd. rank the 150th and 234 respectively.

在最新一期的嘉多士排名中,托雷斯名列第65,而特维斯和法布雷加斯分列第17和第40位。Torres is currently placed 65th in the Castrol Rankings, while Tevez is 17th and Fabregas 40th.

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他们排在排行榜的最后三分之一,分列第34位和第39位。The Obamas ranked in the bottom-third of this year's results, at No. 34 and No. 39 respectively.

全息的亮片全都手工加热然后一片一片贴上裤子的,垂直分列,好像雨滴。The hologram circles are heat-transferred on one by one by hand and fall in vertical lines like rain drops.

本部分列出了如何如何发现,调整,优化高负载的SQL语句的步骤。This section lists and describes the steps required to identify, tune, and optimize high-load SQL statements.

中心地带是配备有两个冷藏柜和分列于抽屉两侧的两个洗碗机。The island is equipped with two refrigerated drawers and two dishwasher drawers on either side of the prep sink.

穷人集会把人群推开,从中分出一条路,同时,圣剑骑士团走下来分列于她的两边。The Poor Fellows shoved men aside to open a way through the crowd whilst the Swords fell in on either side of her.

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米歇尔名列第40位,脱口秀主持人奥普拉•温芙瑞和英国女王伊丽莎白位居其后,分列第41位和42位。Obama debuted at No. 40, coming in ahead of talk show host Oprah Winfrey at 41 and Britain's Queen Elizabeth at 42.

但她们的欢乐并没有持续多长时间.中国队以4分6.61秒的成绩获得金牌,加拿大,美国分列其后.But their joy was short-lived as China were handed gold in four minutes, 06.61 seconds from Canada and United States.

投入资本,资本公积金、余公积金和未分配利润的各个项目,应当在会计报表中分列列示。Invested capital, capital reserve, surplus reserve and undistributed profit shall be shown by items in accounting statement.