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如果真有吐血,那么赶紧叫医生。If so, call your doctor.

那个伤员在吐血。The injured man is spitting blood.

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咳嗽吐血是什么原因引起的?What reason causes cough haematemesis?

吐血,鼻子流血是中暑吗?Haematemesis , is nose bleeds heatstroke?

喝酒吐血,是胃出血么?怎么判断。?Drink haematemesis, be gastrorrhagia? How to judge . ?

虚脱,心慌,黑便,吐血是什么病?。Collapse, flustered, black, what disease is haematemesis ?

然而陈永寿开始剧烈咳嗽甚至开始吐血。However yong-shou Chen rough cough even started vomiting blood.

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如果尼古拉斯•斯帕克思读了这本书,他可能会吐血的,It would probably make Nicholas Sparks vomit if he ever read it

接着饮酒两斗,大声一号,吐血几升。Then drinks wine two buckets, loud, spits blood several liters.

Lisa听到Harrison的哭声后跑进厨房,发现他在吐血。Lisa heard his cry and ran to the kitchen to find him vomiting blood.

此伤致孙23日晚吐血不止,送医院抢救无效后去世。He experienced severe hematemesis on July 23 and later died in hospital.

他有发烧和黄疸的症状,但是并没有吐血或血便的症状。He was febrile and jaundiced. However, no hematemesis or melena was noted.

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中毒者大量出汗、吐血,一小时内就会丧命。The victim will perspire heavily, vomit blood, and collapse within an hour.

带有严重咯血、吐血、呕吐、呻吟症状的患者。The patient suffering from severe emptysis, hematemesis, vomiting and groan.

一位三十三岁女性因为吐血及黑便而住院,病患曾因腹部穿刺伤在他院接受剖腹探查术。A 33-year-old woman was admitted due to hematemesis and passage of tarry stool.

1月6日,60岁的刘世成突然不停地咳嗽,并伴随大口吐血。June 60 Liushicheng suddenly constantly coughing, and by big mouth emesis of blood.

吐血会导致什么后果,胃癌不治疗会不会死啊。Haematemesis can cause what consequence, cancer of the stomach is not treated can die.

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袁绍闻袁尚败回,又受了一惊,旧病复发,吐血数斗,昏倒在地。Yuan Shao, in shock after learned his son's defeat, relapsed into vomiting quantities of blood.

我们在此报告一例44岁男性,在吞食鸭骨不顺之后发生脖子及胸部疼痛,十三天后并发大量吐血现象。Herein we present a 44-year-old male with neck and chest pain after a problematic ingestion of duck bone.

早老性痴呆﹐肺炎﹐肺痈﹐吐血﹐痔疮﹐便血﹐打扑伤肿毒等。Alzheimer's disease﹐ pneumonia, lung cancer, vomiting bleed, haemorrhoids, blood in stool, physical injuries.