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大力兴修水利,发展农业生产。Water conservancy, vigorously developing agricultural production.

国家提供了大量资金来兴修水利。The state provides large sums of money for water conservancy projects.

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他们确定今冬兴修的水利项目是修筑河堤。They decided that their water conservancy project this winter was to bank up the river.

秦国及秦朝持续不断地兴修了大量的水利工程。Qin and Qin Dynasty provided large sums of money for water conservancy project last for many years.

兴修水利和确保水利设施的质量等措施。Start construction irrigation works and ensure the measure such as the quality of irrigation works establishment.

于是政府兴修了公路、铁路,在市区外建起了超大型工业园区,铺设了最新式的远程通讯网络。It set up an enormous industrial park outside the city, replete with state-of-the-art telecommunications networks.

为改善其生态环境,时人极其关注农时的测定、水利的兴修和土地的改良等。To improving ecological environment, people extremely paid close attention to the farming season, water and lands.

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自从1919年孙中山首次提出在三峡地区修建大坝后,兴修水利,驯服长江这条巨龙就成了历代中国人的梦想。Harnessing the power of the Yangtze has been a goal since Nationalist leader Sun Yat-sen first proposed the idea in 1919.

在27年间建起大明宫,兴修12院,其辉煌壮丽程度远远超过首都邮城。In the 27 years to build Daming Palace, the irrigation of 12 homes, the extent of its magnificent glory far beyond the capital city post.

这千年之交的繁荣超过了英国经济史上的任何繁荣时期,包括19世纪40年代兴修铁路带来的繁荣和1720年南海投机业的兴旺。The millennium boom exceeds anything in Britains economic history, including the railway boom of the 1840s and the South Sea bubble of 1720.

中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。People in China are getting to know the importance of environment protection. In vast rural area, irrigation construction is in the ascendant.

但是科学家并不满足于此,他们希望对它进行地形测绘,地质测量,兴修土木,并以其为基地进行天文观测,以图最终把它改造为适合人类永久居住地地方。But scientists are keen to do more. They would like to map it, measure it, build on it and observe from it. Eventually they might even live on it.

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兴修水利、发放农贷,鼓励科技进步,是农村经济发展的重要因素。Irrigation, agricultural credit issued to encourage scientific and technological progress, economic development in rural areas is an important factor.

中华人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。Chine men get go to tureize the importance of protecting the ecological environment, in the rural regions, the irrigation construction is good on the way.

1538年8月6日,殖民主义者在这块洒满印第安人鲜血的土地上破土开工,兴修波哥大圣菲城。On August 6, 1538, the colonists founded the city of Santa Fé de Bogotá, breaking the ground on the piece of land where the Indians have spilled their blood.

禹总结父亲治水失败的教训,领导人民疏通江河,兴修沟渠,发展农业。Yu summed up his father flood learn from the failure of the leadership of the people to clear the rivers, irrigation ditches, the development of agriculture.

从北宋中期开始,在人口增长的基础上,江汉平原兴修水利,发展农业,垦田面积与作物种植都有扩大。With the improvement of population, irrigation works and agriculture, there had been an increase in cultivated land and crops from the middle of Northern Song.

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中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。Chine people have come to realize the importance of protecting the ecological environment, in the rural regions, the irrigation construction is well on the way.

由于某些人工建筑物的兴修,改变了自然条件而导致海湾东端部分岸坡沙滩的溃蚀。But some structures were built on the southeast side of the beach, the environments were changed and then the erosion appeared gradually along the south-east part.

他们消弥匪患,兴修铁路,保证行旅安全,为台湾人建立了一套严厉的法制,但是却没有给他们多少社会或政治自由。They eliminated banditry , developed railways, made the roads safe for travel and gave the Formosans a Spartan kind of justice, but not much social or political freedom.