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我要做你的英豪,宝贝。I can become your hero, baby.

我上的是英豪小学。I go to Yinghao Primary School.

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宫墙里聚集着英豪万千And of all who assembled within those walls

就个人而言,鄙人崇尚英豪。Speaking personally I am glad to be a heroic man.

红色故土长眠千万壮士英豪。The red land with thousand of heroes sleeping in.

英豪的可以冒生命危险,但不冒本意天良危险。The brave man hazards his life, but not his conscience.

有时候必需自己做自己的英豪。Sometimes you haudio-videoe to get the perfect own hero.

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在您学习结束的时候,您会收到英豪的证书和学习报告。At the end of your studies, you will receive an IH certificate and report.

铃木一朗和松井秀喜是棒球英豪,但是更多的时候,他们就像是神一般高高在上地存在于我们的心中。Ichiro Suzuki and Hideki Matsui are baseball heroes, but sometimes they seem like superhuman demi-gods living on a higher plane.

我想说的是在英豪的学习着实让我梦想成真,我要感谢每一位英豪的成员为学生付出的帮助和努力。What I can say is Yinghao truly helped make my dream come true. And every Yinghao staff here is dedicated to make that happen for every student.

跟着诺曼底人的入侵来到英国境内的,不知有多少风流人物,个个有胆量,有智谋,有口才,有德行,出身高贵,真不愧是盖世英豪。The enormous amount of bravery, wisdom, eloquence, virtue, gentle birth, and true nobility appears to have come into England with the Norman Invasion.

殿下是英豪,却很难有机会亲自上战场杀敌斩将,因此,你并不懂他们的战士之心。The his highness is a heroic, but very difficult organic visit relatives from top the battlefield kill an enemy to cut will, therefore, you don't understand the heart of their warriors.

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殿下是英豪,却很难有机会亲自上战场杀敌斩将,因此,你并不懂他们的战士之心。The his highness is a brave, but very difficult alphabetical visit relatives from top the arena kill an enemy to tear will, accordingly, you don't understand the heart of their warriors.

文中呼吁麦英豪应正视现实,修正失误,广州的文物部门领导也应当检讨不作为的过失。Finally, Mr Mai Yinghao should face honestly to history and correct his mistakes, and the related officers in Guangzhou cultural relic department should regret for their dereliction as well.