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医院收治的这类蛇伤病人不在少数!Hospital admission of such patients Snakebite a few!

目前,该患者已被玛嘉烈医院收治,病情稳定。He has been admitted to the Princess Margaret Hospital and is stable.

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我们正在提供直接的医疗援助,加强医院的收治能力。We are providing direct medical services and improving hospital readiness.

目的找出影响住院病人收治的主要因素。Objective To investigate the influencing factors on the hospital admission.

方法对我院收治的91例先天性巨结肠患儿护理进行总结。Method Summarize the nurse for 91 cases Hirschsprung disease in our hospital.

方法回顾性总结1953~1997年收治的40例颅外颈动脉瘤的诊疗经验。Methods 40 ECAA cases admitted from 1953 to 1997 were retrospectively analyzed.

近10年我院收治药物所致急性粒细胞减少症33例。We treated 33 cases of acute granulocytopenia caused by drugs in recent 10 years.

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方法收治男性生殖器完全离断伤患者两例并行手术治疗。Methods Two patients with traumatically amputated penis were treated by operation.

方法对近年收治的563例车祸致泌尿系损伤患者的救治进行分析。Methods The condition and therapeutic result of 563 urinary patients were analyzed.

患病者将被收治,而吸毒者将被送强制戒毒。Patients will be treated, and will be sent to compulsory treatment of drug addicts.

报道称当地的两所医院收治了四名重伤员。Reports say four badly wounded people have been taken to two hospitals in the area.

方法门诊收治的43例患者,根据临床表现,化验室检查和X线摄片而确诊。Methods 43 patients of gout were confirmed by laboratory test and X-ray examination.

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方法回顾性总结1999年我院SICU收治病人中留置PICC的情况。Methods Retrospectively summarize the data of PICC used in patients of SICU in 1999.

我院收治一例罕见的青少年脊柱神经母细胞瘤的患者。There is a multiple neuroma of the spine's sufferer who is a callan in our hospital.

方法回顾性分析我院2000-2006年收治的9例多器官AE患者的临床资料。Methods Reviewing clinical data for 9 AE cases in our hospital between 2000 and 2006.

在禁烟令颁布前一年半里,当地的医院收治了399名心脏病患者。In the year and a half before the ban, hospitals had 399 admissions for heart attacks.

方法报告3例近期我院收治的粒细胞肉瘤,并复习相关文献。Methods We reported three cases of Granulocytic Sarcoma with review of the literature.

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对妇科急诊收治的1197例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。The clinical data of 1197 gynecologic emergency patients were analyzed retrospectively.

结论ICU收治病人的时间与住院病死率无关。Conclusion The hospital mortality is not associated with the day of week of ICU admission.

方法回顾性总结1978-1997年收治12例脐尿管腺癌的诊治结果。Mathods 12 cases of urachal carcinoma treated from 1978 to 1997 were reviewed and analysed.