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这条着火的船把这一片水域照得通亮。The burning boat lit up the waters.

我们现在都在为之的水域。We are all in uncharted water here.

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我们正在情况不明的水域里游泳。We're swimming in uncharted waters.

船只在靠近海岸的水域往返航行。Ships ply the waters near the coast.

让我们首先考虑一下水域。Let us consider the water areas frist.

斯堪的纳维亚地区的水域较广。Lots of water in the Scandinavia area.

所有的水域都有波浪和方向骤变的浪。Every body of water has waves and chop.

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他看了看下面的蓝色水域的海水。He looked down in the blue well of water.

船向远处深水域驶去。The ship headed outwards to deeper water.

该县许可他们在这些水域里捕鱼。The county licensed them to fish these waters.

有些水域仅可使用无倒钩的单钩。Some waters only allow single non barbed hooks.

七夕节的起源与溅渤海水域。Qixi is the origin of BOhai with splashing waters.

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三枚导弹全部落于朝鲜半岛东海岸水域内。All landed in water of eastern coast Korea Peninsula.

晶莹剔透的水域和原始的珊瑚礁围绕着该岛。Crystal waters and pristine reefs surround the island.

群集的水母覆盖了十平方英里水域。The swarming jellies covered 10 square miles of water.

冰间湖指的是被海冰所包围的开放水域。Polynyas are areas of open water surrounded by sea ice.

有些地理学家将这部分水域称为南冰洋。Some geographers call these waters the Antarctica ocean.

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该县允许土地所有人在那些水域捕鱼。The county licensed the landowners to fish these waters.

茫茫水域,田田莲叶,出水芙蓉,自放光芒。The vast waters, lotus lotus, lotus flower, since shine.

一大羣鸟飞越靠近布莱顿水声岛的油渍水域。Birds fly over oil on the water near Breton Sound Island.