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她试穿上结婚号衣。She tried on her bridal dress.

女性必须穿号衣吗?。should the ladies wear dresses?

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你能帮我挑一件号衣吗?。Could you help me pick up adress?

我没有喜好脱号衣。I don't like wearing the uniform.

新郎则穿戴一套正式的西装或无尾晚号衣。The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo.

她的结婚号衣是由一位很是闻名的服装设计师建造的。Her wedding apparel is made by a very famous fashion designer.

几百年来,法国延续了用白色的长号衣做新娘服装的风尚。The French have used long white dresses for hundreds of years.

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天!要是被逮住,他也会完蛋穿上号衣的。Jesus. They ever catch on, he's gonna wind up wearing a number himself.

那位脱号衣的夫君看起去很里擅,但是我记没有起他的名字。The man in uniform looks familiar to me, but I don't remember his name.

他吩咐给我做夜号衣、燕服、衬衫心净其它种种打扮。He was giving orders for evening suits, morning suits, shirts and all sorts of things.

雪白的号衣挂在那等待淡淡的灰朦有一丝悲哀。Whellote dress hanging in that waiting for the slightesthellont of gray to deceive sad.

同时,自然却利落地在我们身上套上我们所效忠的政党的囚犯号衣。Meantime nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere.

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男同性恋的博客。”凡事都有危险,但镇定沉着往往能号衣最严重的危险。Dangers will come about in any career, but presence of mind will often conquer the worst of them.

要是你的婚礼是在傍晚六点之后进行,那么你可以选择无尾服或年夜号衣这类的晚号衣。If you are getting married after 6pm, you can wear a tuxedo or tails as these are evening clothes.

自己试穿过几件这类从内部支撑样式地成婚号衣。I tried on several wedding dresses that had this type of inside support to hold up strapless dresses.

莉玛·法吉,是一位黎巴嫩移平易近,她在经过泳装、晚号衣以及访问交谈项目后博患了此次选美比赛。Rima Fakih, a Lebanese immigrant, won the pageant after swimsuit, evening gown and interview competitions.

他们很是喜欢采用蕾斯材料,但同时也强调能凸起穿戴号衣的女性的魅力。They are very fond of lace but also emphasizing the beauty and charm of the individual woman wearing the dress.

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职业装的规模能够从简单的西装和领带到更正式的晚号衣。Business attire can range from the simple suit and tie combination to the more formal evening tuxed to and gown.

要是你在婚礼上穿的是英式长尾号衣或正式的洋装,那么就该选择和衣敬佩势气焰相似而不相配的领带当做礼物。If you are wearing a morning suit or a formal suit, give your wedding party ties that are similar but do not match.

那奴仆按照当时和早先英国世袭击宅中仆人的习惯装束,穿着一件蓝色号衣。The serf wore the blue coat, which was the customary garb of serving-men at that period, and long before, in the old hereditary halls of England.