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你可以将食品看作‘溢出品’。This you can call a spillover.

出品所用的装饰水果是干的。When fruit garnish is dried out.

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半乳糖,上海试剂二厂出品。Gal is the product of Shanghai No.

他正在炫耀新出品的汽车。He is showing off his brand-new car.

展出品深受参观者的喜爱。The exhibits took the fancy of the visitors.

而这正是您期望谷歌荣誉出品的最新服务。And it's just what you would expect from Google.

我听了他们出品的所有歌曲。that I listen to all the songs that they bring in.

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本曲CD亦已于2010年由香港龙音公司出品。The CD has also been released by the ROI, HK. , 2010.

这些新税法将成为出品的刺激政策。The new tax laws should act as a stimulus to exports.

分析人士预计此款新机型将在今年夏季出品。Analysts expect the new iPhone to be ready this summer.

近来,设计师出品的牛仔装很抢手,而长裙则已经过时。These days, designer jeans are in and long skirts are out.

中国出品商周时期的“扎啤”杯。The Zhou Dynasty "Beer" cup made in China, very cool, right?

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中国电影集团公司当然也出品过爱情片、灾难片、战争片和功夫片。CFG spins tales of love, disaster, war and kung fu, of course.

这家公司出品的最受欢迎的饼干牌子有McVitie's、goahead!Among the company’s most popular brands are McVitie’s, goahead!

你认为电影出品商应该制造更多教育型电影吗?。Do you think movie producers should produce educational movies?

我们是土耳其一家进出品公司。We are located in Denizli Turkey and owned an export import company.

泰品公司出品的透明美容皂主要的成分是甘油和蔬菜油。The important ingredients of clear soap are glycerin and vegetable oil.

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对不起,周仲翁。说句老实话,贵厂的出品当真还得改良。Mr. Chou, but to tell the truth, your own products could bear improvement.

此餐巾环约出品于1920-1940年间的中国南部地区,估为外销品。These items were made in south China circa 1920 -1940 probably for export.

尝试在放假时养成吃善待动物的农场出品的食物吧。Try to maintain your animal-friendly eating habits when you go on holiday.