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我现在没空儿。Sorry, I'm not free now.

公共汽车一点空儿都没有了。There isn't any room on the bus.

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我一天都有空儿。你来定时间吧。I'll be free all day. You name the time.

各行之间多留点空儿。Leave a little more space between the rows.

对不起,他正在开会,现在没空儿。Sorry, he is not available now. He's at a conference.

事情有所变化,弗兰克林太太星期二没空儿。As it turns out, Mrs. Franklin is not available on Tuesday.

谢丽尔也没空儿,她要帮他搞那笔短期贷款。Cheryl is not free either because she will help him get the loan.

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列出与熟人往来的单子,最好打印出来,有空儿的时候看看。Print the list of your contacts and look at it in your spare time.

随后明涯发现空空儿也不见了踪影,众人开始四处寻找。Ming ya later found empty front-around also gone, they started looking for.

史密斯议员正在参加会议,至少在两个小时内没有空儿。Councillor Smith is in council now and won't be free for at least two hours.

空空儿热情追求明涯,明涯十分困扰直言拒绝了她。Empty front-around enthusiastic pursuit of Ming ya, ya have turned her down.

事情有所变化,弗兰克林太太星期二没空儿。我们需要重新约定时间。As it turns out, Mrs. Franklin is not available on Tuesday. We need to reschedule.

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如果你是为自己工作,想随时抽空儿休个假通常会比较容易些。If you work for yourself, it is usually much easier to take time off here and there.

累吗?压力太大吗?没空儿运动?那么试试瑜伽。Feeling tired?Under too much stress?No time to exercise?Well, you may want to try yoga.

在帝国时期,他趁着战争暂息的空儿,和吉诺曼姑娘结了婚。Under the Empire, between two wars, he had found time to marry Mademoiselle Gillenormand.

趁她去取水的空儿,她的丈夫走到满身尘土的骑兵身边,迫不及待地打听前线的消息。While she was fetching the water her husband approached the dusty horseman and inquired eagerly for news from the front.

真正推动这个时代、操纵社会动荡的是没空儿发出这种绝望的声音的,因为这事就是他们整出来的。Those who can push the age ahead and control the social instability has no time to lament, because it is them who have changed the age into one as it is today.