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这是与我们熟知的世界有着天壤之别的世界。It is a world away from the world we know.

与今日的政治科学有着天壤之别。Contrast that with today's political science.

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冰洞窟与普通的洞窟有着天壤之别。Ice caves are very different from normal caves.

但是这两个地方提供的住宿服务却是有着天壤之别。But the accommodations provided are worlds apart.

何啻天壤之别。The difference is not unlike between heaven and earth.

我用爱欣雅肤已经将近一年了,皮肤和之前相比已有天壤之别。I love Kear Action! I have been using it for two years.

基于传言、预感或恐惧的交易与投资的含义有天壤之别。Trading on rumors, hunches or fears is antithetical to investing.

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在建筑学里,草图和设计图有着天壤之别。In architecture, there's a big difference between a sketch and a plan.

这和黄昏公主那种硬塞进去的体感操作有着天壤之别。It's a far cry from Twilight Princess' uncomfortably shoehorned waggling.

寻找资源和拥有资源两者之间有天壤之别There’s a big difference between seeking resources and being resourceful.

看两场电影,跟去夏威夷渡假相比,简直就是天壤之别。Watching a movie is definitely a far cry from taking a vacation in Hawaii.

草莓和辣椒同为红色,但口味却有天壤之别。Red, for example, is often associated with strawberry but also with chilli.

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蜜蜂知道这一点,因为毒汁苦涩,与以前的味道是天壤之别。The bee knows that, because the venom the bitter taste of the past is different.

“我失败了三次”与“我是一个失败者”之间有着天壤之别。There is great diffirence between "I have failed three times" and "I am a failer".

在此之前,如科学家和收藏者所知,它的供求有天壤之别。Until then, as scientists and collectors know, supply and demand are worlds apart.

它们和那些蹿行于恐龙之间的小型哺乳动物可谓是天壤之别。They were a far cry from the often mouse-sized mammals that scurried around dinosaurs.

它与未来的第四代核电站有天壤之别。Put side-by-side with future fourth-generation plants, the difference is night and day.

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你做这项工作必须严谨,因为一个小错就能造成天壤之别。You have to be very exact in this job, because a small mistake can make a big difference.

谈升华,一念之差天壤之别,人不为己天株地灭,这是动物的本能。Different ages , every man for himself and days to eliminate strain, which is animal instinct.

以前的小酒店与今日遍布全球的豪华饭店有天壤之别。The inns of the past were certainly different from the deluxe hotels all over the world today.