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这是一种世界是个有机体的概念It's an organic conception of the world.

白杨树林往往是一个很大的有机体。Aspen groves are often one large organism

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迁移性的有机体如何找寻他们的路?How do migrating organisms find their way?

氰化物对生物有机体有剧毒。Cyanide is highly toxic to living organism.

细胞分化发生在有机体中Cell division takes place within an organism.

这整个世界是个追寻真理的有机体。That the whole world is one truth-seeking organism.

人是构成社会有机体的能动主体。Human is a initiate subject constituting social organism.

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基因是遗传的基本单位,在一个活生生的有机体。A gene is the basic unit of heredity in a living organism.

有机体活着除了为了死亡也会有别的目的。There is more because the organism doesn't just want to die.

细菌,或者简单有机体,就不能做到Bacteria, or simple organisms, are not always capable of that.

但它们全都仍然是有生命的有机体。Trees are mostly dead pulp. But they are still living organisms.

“公司抗体”指的是公司内部的元素,它们如同有机体一样。These are things inside the company, as an organism, if you will.

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我们如何才能从随机的有机体中编织出一张自我支持的网络?。How do we weave a self- supporting network out of random organisms?

生物圈由生命有机体及其生存的环境组成。Biosphere is composed of the living organisms and their environment.

“这样飞机几乎变成了一个有机体”Krein说。"The airplane almost becomes a living organism this way," Krein says.

在地球上所有的生命有机体中,它们所占比例超出一半。They represent more than half of all living organisms on planet Earth.

科学家可以观察有机体在低能养地区如何互动。Scientists can observe how organisms work together in low-energy sites.

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他开始认为,动物是从早期简单的有机体发展而来的。He began to think that animals developed from earlier, simpler organisms.

尽管如此,仍有迹象表明单细胞有机体可以学习。Nonetheless, there are indications that single-celled organisms can learn.

对体内均衡的任何滋扰都有可能损害人的有机体。Any interference with homeostasis is likely to be damaging to the organism.