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这很特别,很有新意。It's so special and so unique.

弗雷德的笑话总是如此毫无新意。Freds jokes are always so corny.

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福莱德的笑话总是了无新意。Fred's jokes are always so corny.

弗雷德的笑话总是如此毫无新意。Fred’s jokes are always so corny.

白色衬衣就像一张画布,最单纯的颜色,最简洁的款式,依靠珠宝同样可以很出位,别有一番鲜活的新意。A white shirt is a blank canvas for great jewellery.

这不仅仅是因为新意必将逐渐消退的铁则。This is not only because of the iron law of waning novelty.

为了避免千篇一律,我们必须发掘新意。To avoid monotony, we must always find something fresh, new.

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这是一个非常有趣的观点,也很有新意This is an interesting argument, and I think it's a new argument.

然而,在这种环境下,你要想方设法弄出点新意。And then in that environment, you're trying to be creative as well.

然而,就连最离奇的问题也可能会得到毫无新意的回答。However, even the quirkiest questions can get uninspiring responses.

与美国的对峙并未消失而是呈现出一种新意。Confrontation with America did not disappear but took on a new meaning.

假如上述标准都太沉闷无新意的话,2010年则有可能杀出黑马。If those seem too dull, maybe there's scope for a surprise winner in 2010.

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于是,他为作品中的汽船上添加了黑烟,这也为其作品的天空色彩增添了一丝新意。His steamships issue black smoke, adding to the range of colours in his sky.

一场好的博物馆回顾展总能投射出一位艺术家作品的新意。A good museum retrospective invariably casts fresh light on an artist's work.

如果它真的令你感到无聊,那就挑战一下自己,去拍出一些新意吧。If it does seem boring and droll, challenge yourself to take a new stab at it.

欣赏大堡礁色彩鲜艳的珊瑚又有什么方法比这更有新意呢?Or to see the brightly-hued coral of the Great Barrier Reef in an all new way?

海关大楼与电子瀑布钟也是颇有新意的对景。Customs house's building and electronic waterfall clock also is quite new DuiJing.

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说是几分新意,是因为这个发展态势是羞答答的。One says sort of news because of the timid way this development has been presented.

酒店VI模板全新的创意设计思路,让品牌更有新意。The new hotel VI template creative design ideas, so that the brand more innovative.

斯帕里认为应该用更有新意的概念把游戏卖出去,于是他创造了“即时战略”这个名词。Sperry thought that sold the game short, so he coined the term "real-time strategy."