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田继业听后非常动容。Tian Jiye after listen to very touching.

孝心少年的故事让我们动容落泪。The filial piety youth story made us cry.

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你怎么能在众人面前表现的毫不动容?How can you behave so shamelessly in public?

有很多伟大的作品令我动容。There were so many great pieces that will endure.

战役的终局令人动容,我们的队员令世人钦慕!Of final battle touching our players to make the world admire!

例句李敏今年才20岁,却已经开始动容了。Limin starts the youth freezing although she is only 20 years old.

杀完人之后不会有任何动容,如若无视般品啜着马蒂尼酒一笑了之?He kills people and laughs and sips martinis and wisecracks about it.

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默默的看这些让你动容的狗狗与人的亲密照片吧。Silently watch these let you audience intimate pictures of dogs and people.

这些难民的悲惨处境能使一个铁石心肠动容。The sad condition of these refugees would move a heart of stone to sympathy.

然而日本罪恶的势力并未动容丝毫,将整个国家再次推入灾难的渊薮。How the evil force did not change little, and pushed its nation into abyss again.

尽管售楼处的工作人员不断的给我们介绍好的房子,我们也难以动容。Although the sales office staff continually give us a good house, we can hardly moved.

莱利是一只会笑的狗狗,而今年他在自己两岁的生日宴会上再次“一笑倾城”,令世界为之“动容”。Riley the smiling dog wowed the world again with amazing smile on his second birthday.

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然而,一个即将谢幕的幼小的生命,却让我如此动容,让我庄严地向她致敬!But a withering young life touches me so much that it arouses my solemn respect for her!

这五位宣教士遗孀带著上帝的爱,以德报怨的精神实在令人动容。The five missionaries widow with God's love, really moved by the spirit of good for evil.

他们在面对如此多的困难所表现出来的毅力和乐观让我动容。What touches me about them is their persistence and optimism in the face of so much difficulty.

道生被可心拍摄时那种陷入恋爱的表情迷住,自己心里似乎有些动容。The Tao gave birth to be satisfying when shooting into love with that face, his heart seemed to be moved.

置身其中,我为这些年代久远的古建筑群和古刹的清静所动容,同时也感受到了自身的卑微。In those places, I felt both inspired and humbled by the ancient structures and enduring calm of the temples.

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但马萨诸塞港湾殖民地的清教徒首领们并不能毫不动容的忍受相反的教义。But the Puritan fathers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony did not countenance tolerance of opposing religious views.

与动物相处多年的芭克雷从未见过比詹妮这充满喜悦的生命庆典更令人动容的场面。In all her years of working with animals, Buckley had never seen anything like this joy-filled celebration of Jenny’s life.

暮年的老者呼喊妈妈是不能年让人动容的,一声呼喊道尽了回归也道尽了漂泊。It must be shocked by the old exclaiming to their mother, a exclaiming ends up with the returning, so do the extravagating.