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只要掌握住血虚感寒、或阳虚生寒、或瘀阻疼痛,皆可应用。It can be applied for Blood Deficient, Yang Deficient or blood stasis.

急性心急梗死患者随着年龄的增长以痰浊、阳虚证候更为显著。With the growth of the age, the syndrome of phlegm-dampness and deficiency of YANG is obvious.

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脾虚肾亏是男性不育症的主要病因病机,男性不育症临床辨证分型的特点是阴虚多于阳虚。Deficiency of spleen and kidney is the main cause of male infertility in etiology and pathology.

所以素体气阳虚者,或妇女正值经期或经期前后,应忌食生冷和寒凉性食品。So the rats, or gas ferrite women period or period when, should diet and cold and cold sex food.

所以现代临床上由于阳虚导致的疾病很多见,汗证亦不例外。So modern clinical disease caused by deficiency Yang very commonly, also the hidrosis syndrome for lack of Yang is common.

阳虚寒凝是恶性肿瘤发生的基本病机,温阳散寒是恶性肿瘤的基本治法。The basic mechanism of cancer is Deficiency-Yang and Excess-Yin, and the main treatment is warming Yang and eliminating cold.

本文首次报导了作者创制的定量检测甲低“阳虚”兔模型畏寒行为的简易装置。A quantitative analysis equipment was created to determine the cold-intolerance behaviour of the model rabbit with Yang deficiency.

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阳虚导致的虚寒证应投以温补之药以化实阴。Deficiency-cold syndrome caused by yang deficiency, should be treated with the drugs warm and tonic in nature to relieve excessive yin.

PMN化学发光值、CD8亚群比值可能是阴虚、阳虚、气虚三证本质区别的重要指标之一。The values of chemiluminescence of PMN and the ratio of CD8 are probably one of the indexes of differences between Yin, Yang and Qi deficiency.

贫血在祖国医学属“虚证”范畴,虚证常见有血虚、气虚、阴虚、阳虚等。Anemia in motherland medicine is "deficiency syndrome" category, deficiency syndrome common have blood deficiency, deficiency of Yin and Yang, etc.

在血瘀、心失所养、阳虚、痰湿方面南北方无明显差异。And the blood stasis, heart losing nourishment, Yang deficiency and phlegmatic hygrosis respects are no significant difference between the North and the South.

通过统计分析发现,从气虚到血瘀到痰饮到阳虚,心功能呈逐渐恶化趋势。The cardiac function is gradually deteriorate from deficiency of vital energy to stagnation of blood, to phlegm and lack of vital energy through statistical analysis.

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腹痛病机主要有寒凝、热结、血瘀、肝郁、食积、虫扰、阳虚等七种。The pathomechanism of abdominal pain includes mainly Cold Stagnation, Heat Concentration, Blood Stasis, Liver Depression, Indigestion, Parasite, and Inferiority of Yang.

本实验为阳虚动物造型及温肾助阳药治疗阳虚证的疗效提供了有意义的形态学依据。This study provides a valuable morphological basis for the establishment of Yang-deficiency animal model and the evaluation of the effect of DWKRY on Yang-deficiency syndrome.

黑螵蛸可增加小鼠胸腺、睾丸指数和阳虚小鼠的体温,可降低高脂大鼠肝中LPO。Hierodula patellifera can increase the index of testis and thymus gland, raise the temperature in mice, and decrease the content of LPO in liver of the hypercholesteremia rets.

结论大学生人群中偏颇体质者易出现心理疲劳,并以阳虚质、气虚质、湿热质偏多。Conclusion It is easier for university students with biased constitution to suffer from mental fatigue, mostly with yang deficiency, qi deficiency and dampness-heat constitution.

铁皮石斛和西洋参能改善甲亢型阴虚小鼠的虚弱症状,两药合用可有效地保护阳虚小鼠免于死亡。Results of the study showed that Dendrobium candidum and domestically cultivated Panax quinquefolius can alleviate asthenic symptoms in mice with thyroidism-type "Yin" deficiency.

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通过查阅古代文献,发现阳虚消渴在消渴中占有重要地位,临床应用补阳法,往往收到较好的效果。According to the ancient literatures we find that the Yang deficiency Xiaoke is important in the disease. Applying the method of Yang invigorating can get the good curative effects.

结论温针灸组可明显改善临床症状,缓解疼痛,疗效优于单纯针刺组和中频组,是治疗阳虚寒凝型膝骨性关节炎较好的方法。Conclusion Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy can improve clinical symptoms of patients with knee osteoarthritis, relieve pain and the therapeutic effect was superior to that of other two methods.