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爪强而有力,善掘洞。Claw is strong, good earth.

那男子有着强壮有力的肌肉。The man has sinewy muscles.

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这是一个强而有力的要求!This is a very strong claim!

钦佩她那强劲有力的散文风格。I admire her sinewy prose style.

维持一个强壮有力的社交网络。Maintain a strong social network.

那个运动员身躯强壮有力。The athlete has a powerful trunk.

批评家们受到有力的反驳。The critics got in their zingers.

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真理是有力的,将战胜一切。Truth is mighty, and will prevail.

他的文章简短有力。His article was brief and forceful.

这是我们最有力的故事。That's the strongest story we have.

笔杆子比刀剑更有力。The pen is mightier than the sword.

等你的小翅膀变得有力。Till thy little limbs are stronger.

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等你的小翅膀变得有力。Till thy little wings are stronger.

你看到那个重击篮框的球投得多有力吗?Did you see how heavy that brick was?

他强壮有力可以举起这个重物。He is strong enough to lift the load.

它可以是一个有力的管理工具。It can be a powerful management tool.

动作皆迟缓,但咬啮有力。It is sluggish But has a strong Bite.

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就是现在,他的步子还是很壮健有力的。Even now he walked with a vigorous step.

批评家们受到有力的反驳。The critics have denigrated our efforts.

他的书法苍劲有力。His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.