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任由市场风云变幻,二元奇招连连不断!Changes In The Market, Two Yuan Shop Many Ways!

泰国近年的政治,说得婉转些,是风云变幻。THAILAND’S recent political history has been, to put it mildly, volatile.

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如今,已经没有理由不清楚市场上的风云变幻了。Today, there is no excuse for not knowing what is going on in the markets.

明清异代之际,是一个风云变幻的时代。Different occasion on behalf of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is a changing era.

政坛风云变幻之迅速如同瞬息万变的电脑游戏。The political landscape was changing as quickly as a fast-moving computer game.

“纯文学”这个概念在这样的图书市场风云变幻的年代,也显得怪模怪样。Pure literature the concept books in this era of ever-changing market, it seems grotesque.

在风云变幻的职场中,每个人都在担心会不会被炒。In the turbulent, toss-about world of work, all kinds of people are worried about getting fired.

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他的一生经历了20世纪德国政治上的风云变幻,可谓饱经沧桑、命运坎坷。He went through the upheavals of the twentieth-century German politics and thus led an eventful life.

通常一只信天翁可以活到40岁,因此这种巢居鸟类可以纵观相当一段时期的风云变幻。Individuals of the species can live past 40, so this nesting bird may have witnessed a change in view.

公司持“以顾客为中心”的营销理念,冷静地应对风云变幻的市场竞争。The company held a "customer-centric" marketing idea, to calmly deal with the ever-changing market competition.

在这样一个深刻的历史变革的伟大时代里,反映时代风云变幻的大作品是匮乏的。In such a great era of profound historic transformations, we are short of great works reflecting the changeable time.

在风云变幻的20世纪之初,既有着对中国古典文体论的撷精取宏,又不乏顺应时变的更新迹象。At about the turn of the 20th century, his works looked into the essence of ancient stylistics and kept up with the time.

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国际形势的风云变幻要求中国把增长战略放在优先发展的地位。The international scene is fraught with perils that require China to put an even higher premium on strategies for growth.

在2000年,早有一批定位在主流市场的项目,就像风向标一样率先感到了市场的风云变幻。In 2000, had a number of positioning in the mainstream market items, like weather vanes , the first to feel the market changes.

贾庆林说,中越传统友谊经历了国际风云变幻的考验。Jia said that the traditional friendship between both countries has withstood the tests of changeable international situations.

在总经理盖•哈勤森先生的主持下,上海希尔顿酒店从容应对大上海的风云变幻,却也从中悟出一套自己的经营哲学。Under the direction of Guy Hutchinson, the hotel handles the volatile situation in Shanghai with its own unique business philosophy.

要想让自己的企业在风云变幻中占有一席之地,并取得优越的竞争局势,营销人士在其中起着至关重要的作用。To get their own enterprises in a place in the ever-changing, and the superior competition situation, in which marketing plays a vital role.

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但我们都知道转会市场风云变幻,因此当面对一份合适的报价的时候,我们知道转会谈判是有可能开启的。Yet we all know that the transfer market is ever-shifting and so faced with a certain type of offer we know it's possible to open negotiations.

这十三年来,国际局势风云变幻,我国改革开放和现代化建设的进程波澜壮阔。These 13 years have witnessed a highly volatile international situation and a magnificent upsurge of China's reform, opening up and modernization.

胡锦涛说,建交40年来,中喀关系经受住了时间和国际风云变幻的考验,历久弥坚。"Chinese-Cameroonian ties have endured the test of time and the twist-and-turns of international circumstance over the past four decades," Hu said.