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抱歉,我拿你来出气。Sorry,I took it out on you.

告诉阿爹,阿爹替你出气!Tell dad, the dad give vent to anger for you!

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任何迹象出气对玻璃是一种失败。Any indication of Outgassing on the glass is a failure.

他们遭到社会排斥而感到痛苦,就拿其他人出气。Stung by social rejection, they took it out on other people.

她很不开心,经常拿孩子出气。She's very unhappy, so she often takes it out on her children.

活性炭可用来脱除SVE排出气体中的可挥发性有机物。Activated carbons can be used for VOC removal from SVE vent gas.

直到乖乖妹买了一件浅兰色的衬衣,我才出气轻松一些。I was not comfortable until GuaiGuain bought a light-green shirt.

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这种产品是用蒸馏分离出气油和粗柴油。The product is separated by distilation into gasoline and gas oil.

我们感情不顺就要拿无辜的塞隆人出气吗?。Are we taking our relationship frustration out on innocent cylons ?

出气室经气管通向湿储气筒。The discharge chamber passes after the trachea to the wet air drum.

方法采用负高压呼出气中子体测定装置。Methods By using the negative high voltage exhaled thoron progeny measurement system.

所述箱体的背风面至少具有一个带有出气单向阀的出气口。A leeward side of the box is provided with at least one air outlet having a vent check valve.

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接着,她瞪大了眼睛,因为她发觉到那具尸身的鼻孔里俄然吸出气来。Her eyes widened as she felt a sudden emission of air coming from the nostrils of the corpse.

就算是吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我心中最好的死党。Although we fight, we bicker, delight or even anger, you are my best friend forever in my heart.

现在保证欧盟在这个问题上会和美国一个鼻孔出气还为时尚早。It's far from guaranteed that the EU would even be able to speak with a single voice on the issue.

介绍了汽车柴油发动机中冷器出气胶管的特点,比较了硅橡胶与三元乙丙橡胶的性能特征。The characteristic of rubber tubes for intercooler, silicone rubber and EPDM rubber is introduced.

上次吵架,埃米为了出气,曾把他顶层的抽屉摔翻在地上。In their last quarrel Amy had soothed her feeling by turning his top drawer upside down on the floor.

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推导出气瓶圆筒段、封头、接头和内衬的设计计算公式。Calculating formulae for design of cylinder, dome, joint and liner of natural gas cylinder are derived.

就能够很快算,出气相的组分,我现在知道所有的条件。So I have all, I have everything I need to know t o calculate what the composition in the gas phase is.

有一个出气洞相当大,大概是昂儒街的洞眼,射进了一道几乎闪亮的光。A passably large air-hole, probably the man-hole in the Rued'Anjou, furnished a light that was almost vivid.