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他画的马很传神。The horse he painted is very lifelike.

吾等笃信上帝而重见君。译得传神啊,猎兄!And we will trust in God to see thee yet again.

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传神谕者被期盼能预言未来。The oracles were expected to divine the future.

精彩传神的表演一定会让您拍手叫绝。The wonderful performance left a deep impression on us.

画面的似与不似都可放置一旁,将传神放在首位。Screen may not be set aside may be vivid in the first place.

这支皮革桨有可口地蜇的叮咬,和非常传神。This leather paddle has a deliciously stinging bite, and is very expressive.

雌鹿的胸部部位上,肋骨民胸骨雕刻得精致传神。On the female's chest, the ribs and the sternum have been beautifully carved.

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自然,沙龙还精选相当传神的嬉戏类别和汗青画。Of course the Salon also featured fairly true-to-life genre and history paintings.

要传神地描绘眼前的这幅景致,非米点技法不可。To the immediate and vivid picture of this landscape can not be non-m point techniques.

耶稣基督的仆人保罗,奉召为使徒,特派传神的福音。Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.

耶稣基督的仆人保罗,奉召为使徒,特派传神的福音。Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God

耶稣基督的仆人保罗,奉召为使徒,特派传神的福音。Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God.

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心手相应,刀笔传神,为民间艺术中的精华。The hand responds to the heart, the pettifoggery is expressive, is in the folk art essence.

唯有如此,我们才能准确传神的表达广告所要表达的内涵。Only in this way can make accurate and vivid expression of our advertising to convey meanings.

还有花篮、宝塔以及各种神话幻想形象,千姿百态,逼真传神,既是美食又是工艺美术品。And a basket, pagodas and various myths fantasy image, and preached, both food and crafts items.

本文认为,其审美特征主要表现在鲜明生动,新颖传神,苍老雄浑三个方面。Third chapter mostly discuss dufu 's trope imago single and brilliance Character from taste angle.

以合适价格买入一个优秀的公司远胜于以优惠价格买入一个普通的公司。中文很难表达巴老的原意,还是原文更传神。It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.

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以素求绚、纯朴素淡,追求具象传神的形象刻画。The charm of the works comes from simplicity and elegance, pursuing the vivid and lifelike sculpture.

所谓“传神”的思想乃是我国古代文艺批评的一个重要传统。The so called thinking of "lifelikeness" is an important tradition of literary criticism in our ancient times.

她眼睛的色彩和样子像她的母亲,非常美丽,但却更加可爱,更加传神。The color and form of her eyes, like her mother's and therefore beautiful, but so much sweeter, more expressive.