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“而且我认为,他们定将度过难关”。And I think they will.

指闯过难关的能力。Power-what one can do.

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你的爱带我渡过难关。Oh, I owe so much to you.

在这里,我们共渡难关。Here, we had difficulties.

阿尔瓦觉得他度过了难关。Mr. Alva feels he has turned the corner.

因为他们在第一道难关面前便放弃了。They gave up at the first sign of trouble.

父亲很有见地的那番话再次指引我度过了难关。Father’s wise words had guided me once again.

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他们会给你提建议,会帮你渡过难关。They'll give you advice. They'll help you out.

他卖掉家具以渡过病期的难关。He sold his furniture to tide over his illness.

在恶棍找我麻烦时,他帮我渡过了那次难关。He helped me over the difficulty with the ruffian.

“但我仍然相信我们可以度过难关,”克林顿说。"But I still believe we can get out, " Clinton says.

这样,他们终于度过了许多难关。In this way they finally tided over the difficulties.

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体验团队共同攻克难关的激情和喜悦。Team work experience under the passion and happiness.

我们相互帮助共渡难关。We'll help each other to bridge over the difficulties.

阎连科通过引起国外兴趣突破难关。Yan beat the odds just by attracting foreign interest.

他鼓起足够的勇气去攻克难关。He mustered up enough courage to attack the difficulty.

我得帮家里度过难关。I have to help my family to dide over the difficulties.

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而会说这一次我们一定能闯过难关的。They say, 'we can get through this one step at a time.'

热情和欲望可以突破一切难关。Passion and desire can break through all the difficulties.

我们正在设法给面包店送去面粉,帮助它们度过难关。We are trying to help out by delivering flour to bakeries.