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中国仍然是配角。China is still a deuteragonist.

他给我做配角已有10年了。He has stooged for me for 10 years.

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听说女配角是由简·方达担当。They say the IT is played by Jane Fonda.

他只不过是那场滑稽戏里的配角。He just is a second banana in that burlesque.

她获得奥斯卡奖最隹女配角的提名。She won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.

此外,最佳男配角黄秋生也因故没有参颁奖。Jacky Cheung got the Best Actor Award at India Movie Festival.

我的生活乱得可以,我早已分不清楚主角与配角。My life was chaotic, I was not clear lead and supporting roles.

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演喜剧里的配角或丑角,以顺从的、下级的方式行事。A comedy or pantomime in which Harlequin is the main attraction.

我演配角两年了,一直没得到个真正的角色。I have been a walk-on for two years and haven't got a real character.

会议记录员在会议上通常只是配角。Usually the minute-taker only plays a supporting role in the meeting.

影片的成功部分原因在于配角演员阵容强大。The film's success partly lies in the strength of the supporting cast.

作为配角演员,你的任务就是给主要演员当配角。Your job as a supporting actor is to play np to the leading character.

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刚入道的时候,我也觉得口琴只是个配角乐器。In the beginning I had this feeling that it was a secondary instrument.

我们将为最佳音乐配角神学家颁奖。We’re going to give awards for Best Supporting Theologian in a Musical Role.

这个角色使她受到了1999年艾米奖最佳女配角提名。Her role on the show led to a 1999 Emmy nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

恭喜红姐姐,夺得2009金马奖最佳女配角。Congratulations on winning 2009 Taipei Golden Horse for Best Supporting Actress.

女演员以她的表现获得了奥斯卡奖的最佳女配角。The actress won an Academy Award as Best Supporting Actress for her performance.

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我就像满天星,从头到尾都是配角,背景。I just like the sky star, from beginning to end is a supporting role, background.

她的表演为她赢得了一个奥斯卡最佳女配角的提名。Her performance earned her an Academy Award nomination, for best supporting actress.

仅有最佳男配角、最佳摄影和一些技术奖项。Only for Best Supporting Actor, BestCinematography and several technical categories.